What are your pet peeves ?

I am ATTEMPTING to table (rolls out Santa’s Naughty List of affronts) as many of my FFS-FamDamnIly pet peeves as possible via “We help each other out”… and failing.

Which is a pet peeve. 😎

Oy! I’m attempting to accomplish something here!!!

Obnoxious kids thinking they’re cute 😠
One of my Mum’s most repeated sayings?

“That’s not cute, or funny!”

(Yes. Yes, It was. Okay. Maybe not.)

But it’s still the INSULT/Indignation attached that just cracks me up. Because, if it were cute or funny? It wouldn’t be obnoxious. Sadly, I specialize in obnoxious. My sister, fortunately, makes up for me in ALWAYS being hilarious. Thanks, Mei Mei! 💋 I’ll set, you spike!
That’s not cute, or funny!
That’s a good idea!

I have a junior high student who is obnoxious but doesn’t care if, or think, he’s being perceived as cute. He enjoys seeing anger and tension rise in others. When he does his obnoxious stuff lately I’ve found myself saying, “Oh, you’re being adorable again!” My intent is to throw him off—since he wants attention, I’ll pretend he’s cute like a baby. He will usually stop and say I’m so weird.
He enjoys seeing anger and tension rise in others.
Natural Born Artist.

Art evokes emotion.

Some people? Paint “with” people.

Dial him into Hostage Negotiation or Political Science. (Opposite ends of the same spectrum. “Influencer” the mediocre middle. No matter where he takes his natural talents? He’ll thrive in a supportive environment. Whether it’s helping, hurting, or using).

Oh, you’re being adorable again!” My intent is to throw him off—since he wants attention, I’ll pretend he’s cute like a baby. He will usually stop and say I’m so weird.
Because you’re badass, with great instincts.
Natural Born Artist.

Art evokes emotion.

Some people? Paint “with” people.

Dial him into Hostage Negotiation or Political Science.
I like your interpretation! You nailed it about the artist. He does weird creative work with very little thought or effort.

‘Paint “with” people”—accurate! Gives me good insight!

Poli Sci seems like a good direction for him!
not a pet peave because i rarely encounter it, but lately and a bunch:
people that use inner city slang in a muffled tone and still want to be understood. Okay, I am going to throw around words you probably arent used to hearing too, we will see the how long it takes for the discourse to become ineffectual and without similitude, you dig?
“Awareness Mode On”

Faaaaaaaaaaaawk YOU.


Sorry. It’s worse than fingernails on chalkboard the migraine inducing SCREECHING “awareness mode” creates. Stupid damn pieces of technological grrrrrrrr. 😡

If you have decent hearing?

ONLY buy earbuds recommended by teenagers. FFS. I’ve been hooked up to car batteries with less oomph. Half deaf f*cking adults and the markets that… f*ck. this. noise. Literally.

I have so many today.

People over staying their welcome.

People leaving skid marks on the toilet seat and not cleaning it up afterwards.

People rearranging things that don’t belong to them.

People taking things that don’t belong to them.

Just the usual things when family comes over. 🫠
The way P has a rush of blood to the head when he sees food reduced at the supermarket, and buys too much of a thing. Especially when it's bad for our diabetes!

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