I met up with my friend on Friday, she wanted me to go to hospital appt with her. The friend I have wrote about so much already We were supposed to go out on the 24th. I've told her I'm not going out now, since the last time we went out, it all went a bit wrong. She got a bit upset, how she was scared for me and she tried to get help from our other friend but she didn't answer, she didn't know what happened, she was sorry etc.....then she had to go into her appt and we just moved on to another topic when she came out. I dropped her home and she seemed fine.....then later in the day, she tried to ring me at just after 11pm, I was tired and had a headache and didn't want to listen to drama, so I ignored the call (which I feel horrible about now). Turns out she OD'd on painkillers and alcohol. Her neighbour must of been speaking to her because an ambulance turned up at her house. She was checked over as best they could but she refused to answer questions and flat out refused to go to the hospital too....she's started messaging me about how sh*t her life is, how it's sh*t that what she was planning on Friday didn't work etc. She won't accept help from anyone and she's sent another message "you're the only one I can trust" but it's so hard! She's taking too much from me but what am I supposed to do. She's completely on her own...and I guess I am too, which is why this is so hard. The only people that know the full extent of everything that has happened to me is her and my therapist! I'm having a difficult time myself right now and no therapy appt this week because we go away tomorrow