Hello, new to the forum but thankful that this exists. Learning about CPTSD and realizing how my husband so perfectly fit the bill has been so helpful in understanding why he sometimes reacts the way he reacts even when he hates himself for it in hindsight. As someone who has gone through extremely minimal trauma compared to him, I'm still trying to catch up with understanding the importance of and reasonableness of his boundaries. I've always been a golden retriever personality who has never cut off any friendships while for him, I'm the only person currently who has a shot of not being cut out of his life in the forseeable future. We were really close to a couple who has been a huge support and helped us through hard times-- they were probably the only other two people he's really trusted and let in besides me thus far. Unfortunately, a misunderstanding happened that resulted in him cutting off ties with them. He feels completely betrayed by them and refuses to communicate with them anymore until they give a sincere apology (but we can't let them know that he wants an apology). He also basically gave me an ultimatum that I need to support him by also ceasing all communication with them (I've been pretty good friends with the wife) as well or else he'll take it as me choosing their side over his and feel so betrayed by me that he will leave me. I understand that people with CPTSD have a difficult time trusting people because they were abandoned and/or betrayed by caregivers who were supposed to be trustworthy. I want to show him that he can trust me, and that I'm absolutely here for him. But, I'm struggling with not being allowed to talk with these friends anymore-- is this toxic behavior/emotional abuse he's putting me through or just a matter of prioritizing my CPTSD husband's needs and boundaries to help him on his healing journey?