We have a local advisory service for people who are in debt or need support sorting out their finances... I emailed them in 2020 and also in 2021, to set up appointments cos I need to get better at my finances and I'm sick of it being an isssue that gives me panic attacks and that I go into avoidance about...
I emailed them again 6 months ago (can't actually remember why I didn't follow through the other times... presumably other issues came up and those were more urgent... who knows...?)
Anyway, this morning was the intake appt... It went well... The advisor there was very nice... Kind, humorous, relaxed...
As expected, the topics were intense tho... And I've been given a LOT of homework to do before the next appointment... sigh...
@Rose White you're taking some financial skills classes too, right? How's it going?
Anyone else...?
Or anyone got good basic PTSD-type advice for this issue?
I've started using a spending tracking app today... Assuming that I actually remember to log my purchases in there... (which may be a problem...)
The issue of money is so fraught... I can literally start hyperventilating/ dissociating/ running away/ brain shutting down.
I know money was a part of childhood trauma and abuse, too... My parents weren't alcoholics or drug addicts, but the pattern was the same - them spending the little money they had on "other things" and us kids having to make do with nothing or so little that it was neglect...
I emailed them again 6 months ago (can't actually remember why I didn't follow through the other times... presumably other issues came up and those were more urgent... who knows...?)
Anyway, this morning was the intake appt... It went well... The advisor there was very nice... Kind, humorous, relaxed...
As expected, the topics were intense tho... And I've been given a LOT of homework to do before the next appointment... sigh...
@Rose White you're taking some financial skills classes too, right? How's it going?
Anyone else...?
Or anyone got good basic PTSD-type advice for this issue?
I've started using a spending tracking app today... Assuming that I actually remember to log my purchases in there... (which may be a problem...)
The issue of money is so fraught... I can literally start hyperventilating/ dissociating/ running away/ brain shutting down.
I know money was a part of childhood trauma and abuse, too... My parents weren't alcoholics or drug addicts, but the pattern was the same - them spending the little money they had on "other things" and us kids having to make do with nothing or so little that it was neglect...