First -- someone can't "convince" a spouse that they are being cheated on. They can bring it up, or show "evidence" or what not but the final decision on if it is true rests completely with him. He is choosing to allow this line of thinking without considering your place in it. Might be combat, might be ptsd, might be any number of things. But when someone allows friends opinions to be more important that their spouses, without any input or conversation, it's a sign of a much bigger problem.
Reading along I've been asking myself what I would do if hubby told me he wanted to transition. The good side of me says I would stick by him and help him any way he needed because that's what marriage vows are about. The realistic part of me says I would be right out the door. Why? Because that's not what I signed up for and it would have a huge negative impact on my life. Would I still love him? Yep. But the man I love would no longer exist. Transitioning might be the right thing for him - but not for me, which means our relationship would no longer work. Then I wondered - is that a ptsd response because I don't do well with change or abandonment? Well there's a whole nuther topic LOL
Does that mean transitioning is bad or negative or what not, or that people transitioning need to let others make their decisions? Not at all. It's a choice people have a right to make and if it makes them feel more whole in their lives then I'm all for it. But I think sometimes the repercussions to those around them get missed.
All that blah blah blah just means I wonder if once he got some significant space and time away from you and the relationship he's found he can't be the person you need him to be, but he can't bring himself to tell you that? Throw in some combat and what not and ya --- makes you take a hard look at who you are and what you think is important.
You have to do what's best for you. But you are talking about major changes that might not be best for him. My heart breaks for you because this really is an impossible situation.
I appreciate this, and what I'm about to say isn't directed at you or meant to sound abrasive toward anyone here. I'm just going to have to stop responding for a while because the whole discussion is making me irrational and I can't stop blaming myself for everything now. I don't know how to express that it has been years since we went through the initial conversation and even he isn't mystically perfectly straight and never has been. I get what everyone is saying, and I understand that it could really be a major root of the whole issue. But him treating me like this also isn't okay and I don't deserve it. He has hurt me in so many ways and continues to do so. And when I come back and see these responses, I start spinning in circles again and blaming myself over and over and over even if that isn't the intention, and I'm not upset at anyone for being honest.
I was legitimately going to go back to just being "she" and never wanted to medically transition because I have physical health problems on top of not wanting the side effects. I wanted to be who I was before and was taking the steps to learn about myself. And maybe it's too late, because I thought the better thing to do would be let him get done with this tour and THEN speak to him about it when he's away from everyone and had time to decompress. I do not know if I can bring myself out of this or see a way out and I am at an abysmal low that I do not see myself recovering from. I do not understand how he could be so sweet and loving and affectionate until the day he left just to cut my feet out from under me like this, nor has anyone given me the full scope of what he said or didn't say about me. I didn't mean to assert myself over him or imply that I did. If I spoke over him, I didn't mean to. I always tried to be understanding of his side of it and gave him the option to leave or go many times if he didn't feel comfortable. What could I have done. This was YEARS of work. YEARS of being comfortable with each other.
I think part of his reaction has to do with not being on medication he's been on for a while, bc they wouldn't transfer his prescription and he was not at all tapered off, which I didn't know at first. Part of it is stress/PTSD and he has expressed he also believes he is experiencing it, looking back at our texts from when he first got there he said "I keep seeing things I wish I didn't and I know I'm not going to come out of this without getting F'd up" in no uncertain terms.
The person who put that thought in his head isn't even his actual friend. It was a comment made when he was in a vulnerable place, with no "evidence" at all (because I did no such thing and there cannot be receipts for something I was never doing), unable to parse his feelings or find help, and maybe it was easier to just give up. And maybe part of it IS me, I won't deny that and I understand where everyone is coming from. It doesn't change the fact that everyone around him says he's not acting like himself, that he's shut off all his friends and accuses them of not reaching out or trying to speak to them when they clearly do, that his excuses and reasonings are flimsy and nonsensical and he is continually hurting me to the point that I cannot go for more than an hour without crying myself into a corner and lashing out at everyone. I want so desperately to delete everything and I wish I'd never said anything to anyone at all, because I don't know what to believe. I have one friend saying he's cheating and covering his tracks. Two of our closest mutual friends confirmed he'd never said a single word about issues with me and they also agree he's not thinking right at all and maybe just lashing out because it's all he can do. Another one is saying something entirely different and the only conclusion I can come to, irrational though it may be, is that I am the root cause of every problem. I feel stupid. I feel unloved. I feel disposed of. I hurt for him on top of it all, because he is in agony and I can do nothing. It is mind-boggling that he would want to make a decision like this without me but then I also realize I don't even have the full story in the first place. I can't ask him. It's about to be our anniversary and I'm sitting here considering whether or not I want to just go check myself into behavioral health but I can't leave my pets alone or afford to miss work.
One of the friends in question is just continually calling him a POS and reiterating over and over that he is just hurting me and has no regard for me at all. I don't know what to make of that. I don't know how much of this is intentional and have no frame of reference as to where things might've gone wrong. I don't believe he's intentionally hurting me and he likely has no clue exactly what he's doing to me, I imagine he's lucky if he's able to think and breathe autonomously at this point because the entire deployment/post/mission sounds like hell on earth, much less understand anything about me, himself, OR us.
I've never been this low in my life. And I have to sit here alone and wonder if I caused it. If I was hurting him. Why didn't he say something. Why now. Why couldn't he wait until he got back to do this to my face, why tell me there are divorce papers when there really aren't. Why lie but then offer to pay my rent for me and take care of me like a pet he feels sorry for abandoning. I feel disrespected as much as I hurt for him and think he's just not in the frame of mind to be rational in any capacity. None of what he said makes any sense. He replied to me today to tell me that he was proud of me for going to therapy and gave me a "good job" which is something he used to say to me in a particularly affectionate way, and the way he was speaking didn't feel so cold. After pouring my heart out and being honest about it and why I was waiting to tell him, I have zero idea what to make of that.
Everyone here has been kind and honest. I appreciate it and I appreciate the advice, I'm not running from the honesty or truth. But at this point, I think hashing it out like this is doing more harm than good because I'm looking for rabbit holes that may have never existed. If it really is over, I wish he'd wait to say it to me in person and stop treating me like this isn't absolutely destroying me. I feel like my chest is going to cave in at any point and I've lost so much weight. I just want it to stop.