Hi, I'm new here as well: just wanted to reach out and say I hope things are getting better - I know how hard it is to wait and not let your brain go into a spin and drive you crazy. I don't at all know how to deal with it: I do know that with my partner, the thing I've worked out is that when he's gone he's gone. And I used to think that he could answer me, but chose not to, which was really hurtful, but I think (hard to tell 100% because of the not being able to talk about it!!!) that when he's in a really bad place he can't answer me: even if he wants to; the person I know is trapped inside a disassociation bubble. I'm choosing to believe as much for now, and it does help. He has come back every time, but of course every time I think - what if this is the time he doesn't?
I think the only answer is time, but I'm sending good wishes your way and hope that time moves quickly and that things will work out. I don't know about for you, but for me, finding this forum and that I'm not the only one going through this, has been really helpful, because it can be so horribly isolating.
Hey, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately things don't really seem to be going well.
I thought we were going to wait until he came home before he made any decisions about divorce, but after a weird misunderstanding, he blindsided me that he was serving me papers anyway and he also assumed I had cheated and a myriad of other things that aren't true in any way.
It hurt me deeply that he would tell someone I cheated; I didn't, never would, and he knows that, but he also never bothered to confront me about it? He assumed and I think he was just using it as a further excuse to try and shut me out. This was all based on him seeing my phone in a location he didn't recognize. He didn't ask me where I was at, I would've told him and I leave my data on PURPOSEFULLY so he can see where I'm at. A person who was staying in his barracks told him it looked like that was what I was doing and put the thought in his head and it spiraled.
Either way. He said he wants to reset, that he wants to start over and he wants to be alone. I respect that. He's grappling with some other things about himself that maybe he DOES need to work through alone, but I still didn't understand why he thought we HAD to divorce right now. At first, he was willing to let me wait until he gets home before I sign. Now, he wants me to do it "so I don't drag it out" when he comes back. But this feels so bad. I feel like he reverse dear-John'd me and I'm hurting so bad. I won't pretend we were sunshine and daisies before, but I'm so wounded to think that he's made up his mind without me. I don't want to sign. We only have two months to go before he's home and can get help here. I don't understand why he thinks this is going to help, but I also don't want to pressure him any more than he already is and I feel like there's no right move. I feel cornered.
I understand he needs me now as a friend more than a spouse in a way, and I can respect that. But I just feel like signing these papers is a huge mistake and I don't want to do it. I also don't want to NOT sign them and force him into hurting even more or stress him out. He wants a "reset" because he doesn't know what he wants with his future, he said he might want to go to school or maybe move and that he can't afford to have another person with him while he works himself out of debt. That part doesn't make sense to me, I know I work part time now but I don't know why he thinks I won't get a different job or work or do whatever he needs. Why we can't do this together like we always have. Being married to me feels like pressure or responsibility to him in some way that I think I can grasp at least a little bit. He said I'm not a burden. But he just desperately wants to be alone in every sense.
I made it abundantly clear that I would even give him space when he comes back, that he could be alone and disappear to wherever he wanted and I would wait for him. I guess he just thinks that isn't enough. There isn't anyone he's seeing, either, before anyone jumps to that conclusion.
I feel terrible like I put my foot in my mouth or went on for too long bc I let my feelings spill while we were on the phone, I told him how much I love him and how bad I don't want to just end our relationship like this. And I know he was tired, but eventually his response was "I just want to be alone" and I could tell he was crying and upset. I've spent all this time keeping my feelings to myself but now I feel like a terrible person bc I'm scared I overwhelmed him even more. I didn't yell or talk over him. I just kind of rambled with him.
He said he's giving me everything and that it's a no-fault. I don't want everything. I just want him, even if it's as a friend. I wish I had better news. I have no idea what to do, the lawyer or attourney or whatever hasn't contacted me yet and I'm in agony trying to understand what to say or do. I have no one. His family doesn't understand and mine is focused on all the wrong parts of this.
I just wish he would do this face to face with me. I'm hurting so bad. I want to be there for him in every way, as a friend or as a spouse. And I just feel like a failure on every level. I love him with every part of me and it's killing me to think that we could just be over in one fell swoop after so long together. I don't know what to do or where to go or how I'm going to survive this. I've never hurt so deeply in my life and I never once imagined that we would be in this position. Nobody did. All of our friends brag on how much they love us and see us as a sort of "model" for their own relationships because we've always been so inseparable as both friends and spouses. I can't see life without him.