In a cycle of emotion that the therapist doesn't understand


Silver Member
How would you explain to a therapist what 6th sense is (which he denies exists) and how damaging it can be to your decision making, and determination, to carry out a task?
Being highly observant; able to swiftly & accurately assess & extrapolate people, situations, events & series of events, physics, etc.

As one of thousands of possible examples? Reading Microexpressions. It doesn’t make one empathic (because you know / can see / even mirror what abother person is feeling), much less telepathic (knowing someone is feeling shame, doesn’t tell you what a person is feeling shame about; although the better one knows the person the more likely one can connect the dots).

Thousands of examples… both scientifically proven (like above, with microexpressions) and colloquial… shoooooould help your T break whatever bias is throwing up a “that’s not real” wall???Weather sense. Athletes being “in the zone”. Parents who have eyes-in-the-back-of-their-head. Intuitive leaps. Problem solving. Crossing the street. Musicians jamming together. The original predictive algorithm, the human mind.

Not being able to trust my own judgment? Is. Hands. Down. The. Thing. I. Hate. Most. About. PTSD. Both because I can no longer trust my instincts to hum along in the background and alert me if/when/as needed, but when I deliberately call on them? My observation, experience, & imagination fail me… as I’m unable to swiftly and accurately assess… anything.

If I can’t trust my judgment? I cannot trust myself. If I cannot trust myself? I cannot trust other people, situations, events & series of events, basic physics, etc. as all of those things depend on trusting my own perception & assessments. The ability to make a decision? Depends on being able to do what I am NOT able to do.

Now… I CAN relearn how to do it. But it’s exhausting, manually assessing & dismissing; as well as seeeeeeeeriously time consuming, to not just practice exercising my judgment, but to start rebuilding trust.
There is a fascinating book title Blink, I believe by Malcolm Caldwell, that discusses how many people can make better decisions based on minimal facts as opposed to people who have too much information and can’t make as good a decision because they are too bogged down by all the information. You may be someone who unconsciously processes a small amount of information and makes the decision quickly, like evaluating someone’s character. It may appear to be a 6th sense. On the other hand you may be tuning into what Jung called the collective unconscious.

Personally, I believe in both. Back when I was in high school I went away with some teachers to an off the grid cabin a friend of theirs owned. This was back in the back to the land phase which occurred after the San Francisco hippie scene deteriorated. A guy called Red Eye who lived in a teepee on the land came in and asked if anyone wanted to take some LSD. We all said yes. The group was 6 teachers and us two students and one of the teachers’ 7 year old son. Even the 7 year old took acid which was way wrong in my mind and his experience wasn’t good. But the rest of us were forever changed by the experience. At times we were having in depth discussions with few words being said, kind of like, “on the other hand” and our minds filled in the rest of the sentence. This lasted for hours. Late in the evening as we were all sitting in the cabin we all noticed this repeating thunder like sound. We all looked up at the same time realizing that the thunder was all of our heart beats had synchronized. It was an amazing experience, so much so that all who were there have stayed in contact over 50 years now and there is some talk of a reunion in the near future. This was just one psychedelic experience out of many.

Personally I believe that there is what is called agreement reality, that is the generally accepted view of reality. I believe that we evolved filters that sort out and block much of objective reality so that we can function in larger groups called society. I have spent a lot of time watching animals in nature and I am convinced their view of reality is unfiltered. For example I have watched elk and deer from a distance down wind from the herd. Sitting perfectly still, covered by vegetation one animal will turn and look right at me. It isn’t scent, sound or motion, the animal simply knew where I sat. This has happened many times, too many to have just been by chance. Things are not as they seem. Many so called mystics can see clearly, like William Blake although his perceptions were definitely influenced by his religious beliefs.

You may be one of those people who is open to such things. Perhaps due to the abuse I received as a child I am particularly sensitive to extreme mental illness that I think of as insanity. I can feel the presence of insanity in a group of people even if no words are exchanged. A friend who was also at that off the grid cabin told me about an experience he had at a punk rock club in San Francisco. He told me he felt the presence of extreme insanity and he turned around and the guy behind him was someone we knew quite well who had gone off the deep end with drugs and was truly insane. We had all cut the guy off years ago due to his insanity but there he was and all he said was Hi Eric. I could go on and on about this stuff. There is definitely something to it but I cannot explain it nor do I really understand it. But I am convinced it is there.

There is a psychiatrist by the name of Stan Grof who has done a lot of research on psychedelic experiences and he believes that aspects of the birth process shape our personalities and difficulties in certain phases of the birth process create very distinct personally problems later in life. One thing that Stan said that really struck me is that people who were born by C section are much more likely to so called psychic abilities. I was born by C section. Stan and his late wife created a process whereby a person can have an intense psychedelic experience without chemical enhancements. The first time I tried this was in Prague in the early 90s. The set up was much like the way researchers ran LSD sessions, one person was tripping and another, called the sitter, would sit next to the person tripping and take care of any of their needs. My sitter was Czech and spoke no English. But we were so in tune with each other that no words were need. Afterwards I tried to talk to him but my words meant nothing to him but we both knew exactly what the other was thinking during and immediately after the session.

You may be one of those people who are just naturally sensitive to such things. Stan has written many books on the subject and the one I would recommend is LSD and Psychotherapy or something like that. I have seen so much stuff that defies agreement reality that I strongly believe that there is much more to the story than agreement reality can explain. My advice to you is to savor it, explore it, it is a gift and a curse at the same time.

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