Being highly observant; able to swiftly & accurately assess & extrapolate people, situations, events & series of events, physics, etc.
As one of thousands of possible examples? Reading Microexpressions. It doesn’t make one empathic (because you know / can see / even mirror what abother person is feeling), much less telepathic (knowing someone is feeling shame, doesn’t tell you what a person is feeling shame about; although the better one knows the person the more likely one can connect the dots).
Thousands of examples… both scientifically proven (like above, with microexpressions) and colloquial… shoooooould help your T break whatever bias is throwing up a “that’s not real” wall???Weather sense. Athletes being “in the zone”. Parents who have eyes-in-the-back-of-their-head. Intuitive leaps. Problem solving. Crossing the street. Musicians jamming together. The original predictive algorithm, the human mind.
Not being able to trust my own judgment? Is. Hands. Down. The. Thing. I. Hate. Most. About. PTSD. Both because I can no longer trust my instincts to hum along in the background and alert me if/when/as needed, but when I deliberately call on them? My observation, experience, & imagination fail me… as I’m unable to swiftly and accurately assess… anything.
If I can’t trust my judgment? I cannot trust myself. If I cannot trust myself? I cannot trust other people, situations, events & series of events, basic physics, etc. as all of those things depend on trusting my own perception & assessments. The ability to make a decision? Depends on being able to do what I am NOT able to do.
Now… I CAN relearn how to do it. But it’s exhausting, manually assessing & dismissing; as well as seeeeeeeeriously time consuming, to not just practice exercising my judgment, but to start rebuilding trust.