Hi! This is my first post other than an introduction. I'm not good at discussing emotional topics, even online. So this post might be a little scrambled. I'm hoping to get some insight into this.
A little backstory: I've had a TBI and I've had a hard time recollecting childhood memories. I couldnt recall teachers and friends from below 7th grade (Had my injury in 9th grade). The past few years I've had flashes of memories from childhood, some good, but mostly bad memories (beatings from other kids, dad getting angry, etc). It sucked, but it wasn't stuff that didn't really deviate from what I thought happened. I was able to confirm about a third of the memories with the help of others and the other memories I wasn't able to. Heres where the story begins...
Last year I started having VERY vivid flashbacks of being sexually assaulted as a child. I was doing laundry when it started. Three specific memories keep popping into my head. All of them are about ten seconds long. I can feel every single sensation like I was there. Like feeling cold crisp winter air hit my skin. It's haunting. I feel like I'm in that moment constantly. It drives me even more insane that I see no face and can't recognize the room. I'm currently on Zoloft and that's helping out a little bit. The memory still pops up every single day. A lot of me is purely angry. I've never experienced such hatred in my heart ever. I cant go to sleep without any sort of substance and even then, it would be only for a few hours. I keep shutting down at work and during friend's events. I cant even listen to friends talk about stuff remotely dirty. I want to lay in my room for most of the time. A part of my soul feels gone. I just want other memories to play. A part of me also feels like my mind is just making it up to make f*ck with me. Why would my mind make this up? Wouldnt I remember something this horrific? I havent told any friends or due to fear of judgment. Has anyone ever experienced repressed memories? Do you really believe those memories? Ive been to a psychiatrist, he didn't talk much about the actual flashback, but Im deathly afraid of going to talk therapy. I dont know what I would do if I found out if the memories are true
A little backstory: I've had a TBI and I've had a hard time recollecting childhood memories. I couldnt recall teachers and friends from below 7th grade (Had my injury in 9th grade). The past few years I've had flashes of memories from childhood, some good, but mostly bad memories (beatings from other kids, dad getting angry, etc). It sucked, but it wasn't stuff that didn't really deviate from what I thought happened. I was able to confirm about a third of the memories with the help of others and the other memories I wasn't able to. Heres where the story begins...
Last year I started having VERY vivid flashbacks of being sexually assaulted as a child. I was doing laundry when it started. Three specific memories keep popping into my head. All of them are about ten seconds long. I can feel every single sensation like I was there. Like feeling cold crisp winter air hit my skin. It's haunting. I feel like I'm in that moment constantly. It drives me even more insane that I see no face and can't recognize the room. I'm currently on Zoloft and that's helping out a little bit. The memory still pops up every single day. A lot of me is purely angry. I've never experienced such hatred in my heart ever. I cant go to sleep without any sort of substance and even then, it would be only for a few hours. I keep shutting down at work and during friend's events. I cant even listen to friends talk about stuff remotely dirty. I want to lay in my room for most of the time. A part of my soul feels gone. I just want other memories to play. A part of me also feels like my mind is just making it up to make f*ck with me. Why would my mind make this up? Wouldnt I remember something this horrific? I havent told any friends or due to fear of judgment. Has anyone ever experienced repressed memories? Do you really believe those memories? Ive been to a psychiatrist, he didn't talk much about the actual flashback, but Im deathly afraid of going to talk therapy. I dont know what I would do if I found out if the memories are true