I dissociate depersonalize and de realize sometimes it’s a relatively new thing that happens with my trauma. It started happening after I witnessed a violent crime that had previous trauma before that anyways now noticed myself zoning out I get afraid that I will have kind of like another episode of something like that go on. Most recently I keep on what I have is above so it’s just getting like insanely out of it like don’t even know what is real who is real? What is not real. Every time I think I’m dead or that I’m about to die. I don’t know it just keeps on getting built up in my head but now things are kind of coming back together in my life like some normal parts of my life are coming together and I’m terrified. It’s gonna happen again like while I’m at work or school, or if I make any close friends that it will kind of like ruin our friendship if it happens again, cause I’ve only ever had one friend that’s kind of made it through my dissociations . I don’t want I don’t know like any necessarily advice on this. I mean, if people have advice that’s fine too. We’re just looking for not being alone, with this. I keep on thinking if I can just manage it and ignore it that it won’t happen again because it used to happen. I guess I’m really hoping that work because things in my life are starting to work out better than they usually do and it’s like don’t disappoint anybody or go crazy working for a hospital. Just hope that I don’t have to go through anything like that again