I'm all over the place today.
Last night shook me up a bit. I've been in the emergency services in one uniform or another for nearly half my life and I felt so useless last night at the hospital. People were coming in in need of medical assistance and I wasn't in a position to do anything. I was lying on a bed with tubes and wires all over the place, taking up space and diverting the staff's attention from actual sick people.
At one point I began tearfully apologising to the doctor for attending hospital with something I should have been able to manage myself. She was very nice about it. Little does she know the absolute torrent of tearful and snot-filled horror she narrowly avoided thanks to the timely arrival of someone who was actually ill.
So, yeah. I'm guilty, tired, embarrassed...but also loved up towards my BFF and my kids. I didn't tell Cake Girl, but I wonder how she'd have reacted?
I'm maybe just tired.