Working And Disability - Attempting To Weigh Pros & Cons


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Some have urged me to attempt to collect disability . Many times working i do not have a ton of fans as people seem to feel I am a negative or not fun person, I feel physically strong and able bodied. My last job which legal issues interrupted I held for 4 years but shifted the type of work from serving to manufacturing due to the fact when I see children I am prone to tears. (My abusive ex who hurt me till I needed surgery walked off with my youngest..

I was angsty the night they arrested me for disorderly at my apartment. I believe that is true enough but i do not feel it was over the top. Rather my lease was already up and as agreed I was staying on a month to month. I feel the friend pf the owner who called it in did it so I would pay for a door which was already broken into prior to me moving in and I have documentation. I held my job despite low pay 4 years and was receiving bonuses and compliments.

I did not understand my charges I was so convinced - so they sent me in for competency eval and encouraged me to try social security. I feel like a strong worker but wondering which ultimately would be the lesser hassle. I am working on a book, or several as I study.

Does anyone have experience- trying to weigh pros and cons.. thanks
The way PTSD works in my life : When I could actually use &/or very much need disability? (Or other social services) I’m far too f*cked up to actually apply, or manage the process. Hence several years spent homeless/jobless & losing everything more than once. By the time I AM able to do so? (Apply & deal with the process that requires) I can make far better money, & rebuild my life faster, by working. So it’s never been a real option for me.

I know a looooooot of people, though, for whom PTSD creeps into their lives slowly enough they DO have time to get the sandbags & flood breaks in place (even though the process often takes a couple years)… so they’re a) protected as things get bad or prevent things getting worse, b) don’t lose everything, c) can focus on shoring up other areas of their lives, d) manage symptoms & heal better/faster, e) as things get better opt into one of the back-to-work programs that lets people start work/school without losing their benefits until it’s clear they either no longer need them, or are better serve by this, that, or this other transitional or wholly separate program(s).

So I can’t speak to personal experience, outside of “it’s not something I can do”, but I’ve also seen it help others.
I feel physically strong and able bodied.
this is the rub which turned my experience with not working into a repetitive nightmare. a hyper-active metabolism doesn't allow for the endless hours of talk shows and soap operas. without social feedback and financial motive to conform, my physical gifts kept turning into loose canons, careening and random targeting dangerously across the oceans of life. they still do. at 70, i finally have the energy levels of a normal teenager. i no longer have the financial motive to conform, but finding channels for the physical gifts which allow me to feel strong and able-bodied remain a critical need in balancing my physical energies and my still bubbling psycho cauldron. i don't like people, but humans are a gregarious species, hard-wired to need other people. i'd rather be an eagle, but here i am. . . still human. . . what i do with that unloved fact is up to me.
this is the rub which turned my experience with not working into a repetitive nightmare. a hyper-active metabolism doesn't allow for the endless hours of talk shows and soap operas. without social feedback and financial motive to conform, my physical gifts kept turning into loose canons, careening and random targeting dangerously across the oceans of life. they still do. at 70, i finally have the energy levels of a normal teenager. i no longer have the financial motive to conform, but finding channels for the physical gifts which allow me to feel strong and able-bodied remain a critical need in balancing my physical energies and my still bubbling psycho cauldron. i don't like people, but humans are a gregarious species, hard-wired to need other people. i'd rather be an eagle, but here i am. . . still human. . . what i do with that unloved fact is up to me.
I have depth of appreciation for your words. Ironically turning my previous tragedies into a bionic bird and fox for search and rescue so the studying to make that a reality of sitting behind my computer looking with a literal birds eye view is taking up time also. I relate to your personality and offer respect. I could work for free forever likely. Other studies also eat my time - I also have to force myself to burn extra calories liking to eat. :) Nice to meet you