Hello. For decades I am avoiding jobs. I am getting older and I see how everybody is doing something and yet I am doing nothing. I have a room for very affordable money in my brother's apartment - he is on wheelchair so also not working - so I am not forced to get real job. But problem is not that. The problem is that I really avoid to engage in something in general. I have no obligations whatsoever I am not involved in anything at all. Not even friendships. I am not meeting people. I used to think I need to keep study in order to be prepared for a good job. But I jump form one thing to another. I got a job offer to go to Greece. So I start to learn Greek language. I find the best sources to do it yet in the end I say no to the job offer. I still find something which is not good enough to engage. And if I consider to engage in something I always think about how could I quit it right away. Once I found a job in the Netherlands. Just for three months I didn't want to get into something longer. But it was a horror for me. I withstood it because I told myself this three months you have to. But all I was thinking about was to get back home. I am good at languages because all that free time I put a lot of effort into it so my CV is not so bad. I also finished two Universities. But at the end of my studies I had a very bad relationship. Since then and it is already almost 20 years I am like that. I never had a job I was happy in neither a relationship. Everybody I know moved somewhere with his or her life but I just cannot move on. Every time I try I came back to this state of hibernation. As though there was no life inside of me and I have no idea what is the purpose of my life here.