Have you used any form of disability or social services available in your country?
Which ones?
I have used sickness allowance paid by national insurance (one year), therapy co-paid by national insurance (now on my second year, 3 years is the maximum) temporary disability pension (2,5 years) paid by my pension company and assisted housing paid by local municipality for nine months. Ptsd is my only diagnosis. I'm located in Finland. I'm still on disability, and it's re-evaluated twice a year.
Have they helped?
What’s your experience been?
Things you’ve learned, wish you knew when, or would do differently?
Other thoughts?
Assisted housing meant a coach came into my house and we worked on things I found difficult. I had problems leaving the house and taking a bus, because I was afraid of teenagers after an assault. Also, I didn't clean my house. The third goal was to start going to social group for two days a week.
I found my first coach too pushy and a bit judgemental, so I switched and got a talkative guy who was much easier to work with.
First three months we met twice a week and after that once a week for two hours. We mostly sat on a bus and chatted. After six months, I managed to establish a sufficient cleaning routine twice a month and was able to take a bus whenever I needed. I failed at the third goal, got suicidal because the environment at the group was too much.
I think assisted housing works if one has clear goals to work towards, but it's also a chemistry thing. I didn't like my first coach and was on defensive when he tried to advise me. I'm happy I had this social service, being able (even though not always willing) to leave my house and use a bus normally is very important because I don't drive anymore.
I haven't been able to work since 2021. My trauma background is well documented and the sort which makes people feel compassion, and my pdoc is good at writing statements. I think both reasons are why I haven't had difficulties with the system. My pdoc writes a statement, it goes to national insurance / my work pension company and there an insurance pdcoc reads it and decides whether I fit the criteria or not. I don't ever meet the person who decides my fate.
Here, one must have lost 60% of their working ability to get disability pension. 40% loss gets you a 50% disability pension. After one has been on temporary disability for two years, the work insurance company must appraise whether to make it permanent. My disability is temporary because I'm still in therapy -> insurance company can hope I'll get well enough to work. I personally don't believe it will happen.
Getting re-evaluated twice a year causes a lot of stress for me and I find it very triggering. I'm afraid they will decide I'm well enough to work when I know I'm not. Still, I'm grateful for the money because I couldn't survive without it. There is a strong social stigma attached to disability pensions, and I don't tell people I'm on it. I say I'm a carer for disabled family member, which is also true.
If I was able to work a bit and wanted to, I could earn up to 40% of my pension monthly. Any more than that, and they will re-evaluate whether you are still disabled or not. My attempts to work have not been successful, but the scheme works for people who can do gigs or a few hours there and then.