Does that happen to you? To me it's been in waves. But since I was at a point where I couldn't work and slept 3 hours per night in parts, and had nightmares I remembered vividly, I had been on sleep medication. Plus watching something until asleep. But the medication to keep me asleep for enough hours without waking.
I get the most anxious at night. Now that I'm out of medication I got something natural from the pharmacy. It was mediocre but some result, but the tablets are big and although natural annoy my throat and stomach like hell. In comparison my sleep meds are smaller than my pinkie nail and I could still take half and be ok. But I can't get the same prescription here yet, no insurance locally yet.
The last 4 days trying to manage without has been painful. I can't fall asleep for hours.
When I do, I wake every couple hours or less, and can't stop panicking over every obscure topic that I can put aside during the day. I wake, watch, sleep, wake, think about my whole life in nausiating waves of panic and slip into vivid nightmares, some traumatic, other future related and others about monsters. By the morning my brain is so overworked and my mind is so unsettled I can't snap out. I'm in foggy anxious state through the first 2 hours and only my routine mildly settles that. I feel like my head is buzzing.
And if I watch something familiar and calming or at least listen like a radio at least I get some sleep. But still. It makes me feel weak and shaky if I have to do physical things the next day, foggy and unconcentrated if I have to do mental work which is more often. Any tips? I'm desperate for at least 4 hours of not waking up for hours. Or at least falling asleep faster. Also this shifts my productivity, I start my day later and later and finish later which is awful when you take forever to fall asleep. Last night I was up until 2:30 and awake at least 4 times until 7...
I get the most anxious at night. Now that I'm out of medication I got something natural from the pharmacy. It was mediocre but some result, but the tablets are big and although natural annoy my throat and stomach like hell. In comparison my sleep meds are smaller than my pinkie nail and I could still take half and be ok. But I can't get the same prescription here yet, no insurance locally yet.
The last 4 days trying to manage without has been painful. I can't fall asleep for hours.
When I do, I wake every couple hours or less, and can't stop panicking over every obscure topic that I can put aside during the day. I wake, watch, sleep, wake, think about my whole life in nausiating waves of panic and slip into vivid nightmares, some traumatic, other future related and others about monsters. By the morning my brain is so overworked and my mind is so unsettled I can't snap out. I'm in foggy anxious state through the first 2 hours and only my routine mildly settles that. I feel like my head is buzzing.
And if I watch something familiar and calming or at least listen like a radio at least I get some sleep. But still. It makes me feel weak and shaky if I have to do physical things the next day, foggy and unconcentrated if I have to do mental work which is more often. Any tips? I'm desperate for at least 4 hours of not waking up for hours. Or at least falling asleep faster. Also this shifts my productivity, I start my day later and later and finish later which is awful when you take forever to fall asleep. Last night I was up until 2:30 and awake at least 4 times until 7...