Healthier lifestyle choices, nutritional healing, fitness, running, walking etc.

Surprised how useful my smartwatch is in all this. I tracks activity, sleep, weight, and with an additional app nutrition and calories as well. Not just calories going in but corrected for the days activity. The app itself is called MyFitnessPal and was started by UA. You can still use the basic site free and it has everything, ingredient by ingredient or by dish or you can scan bar codes. There are lots of healthy eating ideas and recipes as well. I don't use it all the time just a couple weeks here and there to make sure I'm on track.
Exercise is harder. it's so peopley out there... Still having a little agoraphobia so going out by myself is hard.
I’m not willing to HAVE sex with anyone until I love my own body, again / feel square sharing it with anyone…
I will borrow this from another thread-
Tell a happy story in three words
Friday, I think your three words might be: "What the hell"

I just finished a session, I mean just now, end the online session, BAM, check the emails and this place before leaving the office. I was able to report that I am walking more because my knees don't hurt as bad when I am able to let some new equipment do the lifting, loading, spreading of rock and such, mowing of the harder scrub brush and berry vines and basically anything I needed to do but had to bite off in small pieces so I could walk to bed at the end of the day and then work again tomorrow. That's all easier now, my knee feels better now, and I walk more now. My giant labrador is losing weight, I am not. "What the hell." My totally great therapist is so happy that I am getting more exercise that he couldn't contain it. I said that all I do is sit and run the new equipment and he reminds me that after the work is done I don't just go inside and watch TV, I go for a walk and that's HUGE. Yeah, I say, but I don't touch my shovel and my wheelbarrow is full of rainwater right now. He says "THATS WORK", what I do now is "EXERCISE". Okay, I guess one is for everyone else that uses my driveway and enjoys my property, the other is for me and my dog. It is better. Woof.
Twenty minute jog this time! Almost bawled my eyes out from exertion causing overall of emotions. I'm extra emotional. I thought of the trauma moved on okay. Laying down now. I walked some too but had the dog with me. He's pretty good but made for a difficult workout. @Eagle3 I hope youre ok haven't seen you on recently
Twenty minute jog this time! Almost bawled my eyes out from exertion causing overall of emotions. I'm extra emotional. I thought of the trauma moved on okay. Laying down now. I walked some too but had the dog with me. He's pretty good but made for a difficult workout. @Eagle3 I hope youre ok haven't seen you on recently
I'm ok, been lurking daily. Had a viral tonsilitis flare this past week so had to take 2 days off from working out, but I've still been doing a 2.75hr workout 4 days a week. Losing inches, but not so much weight (I'm ok with that! Muscle, baby!). Had to phase out the chest press machine and replace with farmer's walk with 35# kettlebells around the gym...elbow tendonitis was flaring up a bit. So gym for nearly 3 hours, 4 days a week, Aikido classes 3 days a week, and household chores as I'm able to.

FINALLY got my Vitamix broken in and running beautifully. I now have a daily meal replacement smoothie and that's helping my digestive issues as well as my weight loss. I love making smoothies and loading them up with ALL the good nutrition!
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Oh wow you're working out way more than me. Do you take anything for your joints?

Nice! I have yet to purchase one I'd love to hear about it. What do you mean broken in?
I don't take anything specific for my joints, although I will drink turmeric tea if I'm in a really bad joint flare. I can't take NSAID's so I usually just power through pain unless its really debilitating. Learning to use natural products and anti-inflammatory diet to control most of my pain. It works, as long as I don't over-tax myself. Quite the tight-rope walk! I don't actually do a whole lot of intense "working out", it just takes me a long time and I do several sets of my routine. My yoga for my lower back takes 30 minutes by itself!

New Vitamixes have to be "broken in" when you first receive them. Like breaking in your car engine when its brand new. Have to get it used to being used slowly. Its kind of a process, but not too difficult. I got a new E320 Vitamix on sale over Christmas. It's kind of small, and plastic, so I wasn't expecting much, but holy crap!! My smoothies are so...smooth.....and I never have to blend above a level 6 on the dial! I'm SOOOOO impressed with this little thing! Highly recommend, and worth the hype/expense. Especially as it's basically medically necessary at this point, and I use it almost daily.
@Eagle3 totally get it. I used to not get very far in an hour session with a trainer. we worked hard but I had to keep stopping.

and awesome about the vitamix...enjoy!!
I use what here in the Great White North is called 0-15 CBD oil. So 15% Canabidial and 0% THC. You can get it in varying strengths but that seems to work well and its not expensive.

I take 3 ml daily. About 8 hours apart if possible. Under the tongue. There are a myriad of ways to take it now including trans dermal patch but bang for the buck, just oil. No tinctures or other stuff just oil. Watch what the carrier oil is made from. MCT or medium chain triglyceride is a common one but others use grape, avocado, and other oils. Some oils are not really stable and can taste pretty funky when they go off so try to stick to MCT.

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