I’m not willing to HAVE sex with anyone until I love my own body, again / feel square sharing it with anyone…
I will borrow this from another thread-
Tell a happy story in three words
Friday, I think your three words might be: "
What the hell"
I just finished a session, I mean just now, end the online session, BAM, check the emails and this place before leaving the office. I was able to report that I am walking more because my knees don't hurt as bad when I am able to let some new equipment do the lifting, loading, spreading of rock and such, mowing of the harder scrub brush and berry vines and basically anything I needed to do but had to bite off in small pieces so I could walk to bed at the end of the day and then work again tomorrow. That's all easier now, my knee feels better now, and I walk more now. My giant labrador is losing weight, I am not. "
What the hell." My totally great therapist is so happy that I am getting more exercise that he couldn't contain it. I said that all I do is sit and run the new equipment and he reminds me that after the work is done I don't just go inside and watch TV, I go for a walk and that's HUGE. Yeah, I say, but I don't touch my shovel and my wheelbarrow is full of rainwater right now. He says "THATS WORK", what I do now is "EXERCISE". Okay, I guess one is for everyone else that uses my driveway and enjoys my property, the other is for me and my dog. It is better. Woof.