I've been way too angry and tense the last 3 or 4 days. I've had trouble at work, and my client and a co-worker have been complaining about my work at doing web dev. My incompentent co-worker has pretty much been harassing me via chat to fix a problem that she herself should be able to fix on her own. I'm normally angry most of the days most of the day during the past 10 years, but now I'm feeling line I want to start yelling. I'm so f*cking p*issed right now.
I deeply hate most people, and right now, I deeply hate life, and I deeply hate others. I've felt hatred towards my life and towards others in general, but this week has been atrocious.
As if that weren't enough, I've had negative memories of my last 3 Ts. They disrespected me and treated me so poorly that I feel nothing but hatred and contempt towards them. I've paid a ton of money (thanks to my mom. I didn't have any money for T) to them, and now I feel worse than what I already was. How can people spend so much time and money in T is beyond me...
I have constantly been involuntarily remembering all the disrespectful and idiotic and ignorany comments that my 3 last Ts made about me, and I feel horrible. I don't know if the fact that I constantly remember those negative memories involuntarily may be partly because of my autism.
I've been reading The 6 pillars of Self-esteem by Nathaniel Branden (
Amazon.com) (one of the 3 only Ts I respect), and it has helped me a bit. I realize that my self-esteem is dangerously low. However, reading the book made me rememeber tons of negative memories, and I realized how poorly I've been treated in my life. So, reading that book may be making me feel worse given my recent issues at work. So, I may stop reading the book for a few days.
Also, I moved from my home country to the Canary Islands, Spain, and I hate it. Objectively speaking, the Canary Islands is WAY better than my home country, and I prefer being there than dying at the hands of a mugger or from starvation in my home country. But I deeply hate spanish culture, particularly, the culture in the Canary Islands. People are rude, sarcastic, envious, and they are mediocre or incompetent at their jobs (with very few exceptions). That may explain the sheer incompetence and rudeness of my lst 3 Ts: they are from here from the Canary Islands. My other Ts from my home country weren't any better though. The guys that all sorts of irrational beliefs, and were completely disconencted from reality.
I've been living 8 years in the Canary Islands, and I still feel hatred for it and its culture. It's still better than my home country though.
In summary, I still deeply hate my life, I've had anger from issues at work, and from negative memories from my Ts, and I needed to vent. Just writing all of this here made me to slightly calm down.