Sure. Go ahead and explain to me why YOUR waiting 10 seconds is longer than MY waiting 10 minutes. And why you feel it’s so damn justified.
Go ahead. Thrill me with your self righteous assholery, instead of brightly smiling, & letting me toss my towels from the wash to the dryer ...10 seconds tops... go ahead and chew me out for 20 minutes, on how I “should” wait 10 minutes, until you’re done folding. SERIOUSLY??? FFS. A few seconds of being nice, can’t possibly be passed up, for half an hour of being a bitch.
Oh. And since you “feel” my anaphylaxis life threatening allergy is just me “wasting” food? I’ve added drain cleaner to 3 of your foods. Not going to tell you which. Bon Appetite! (Not really, but OMFG, can this motherf*cking idiot at least BUY a goddamned clue? Hello! Life. Threatening. Allergy. Brick wall? Bang. Head. >.< It. Is. Not. Wasting. Food. To throw away something that would KILL ME. Aaaaargh. You have poisoned my food. Again. So I am throwing it away. Again. WAKE the f*ck up. )