Because what I deal with now has a lot to do with personal relationships, I find myself seeking isolation and even though I want to connect with others. And I even do things to attempt to make those connections. I still feel a combination of "i'm glad that I did it" and this shadowing feeling of "I should not have gone" and "I shouldn't even bother" and "these people are only nice to me because they pity me, and none of this is real." Instead of trying to find connections through romantic relationships I joined a church and I found a church group and they call themselves a life group because we're supposed to do life together. And even though our group is the messiah's misfits I truly feel like the misfit. I do also want to reach out for a romantic relationship. Because I am wanting that partnership and that companionship that I've never really had and even with that, there is this fear that I will only continue repeating the patterns instead of finding what I truly deserve. And it's terrifying enough to keep me from putting myself out there again. I don't want to be so jaded and so Self isolated that I completely disconnect from people again.I'm actually working really hard not to do that, and in the same hand that isolation can sometimes feel like a comfort. I'm also having to transition from a therapist that I have a really great report with and I feel able to open up and talk with her about stuff. Because the voucher is over budget and they are discharging me. And now I'm starting all over again with another therapist and. I've even told her that I don't fully trust her yet and she is cool with it because she understands we're still in the developing trust stage.I just hate starting over again.After i've found someone I feel like I can talk to simply because my voucher is over budget.