Current Weather

Sucked the bad weather off @Friday apparently.
Keep on, keepin on! I usually only get sunshine -in this place- when I’m sad!


Like the weather had me questioning whether or not I was in denial, or had some deeply buried sadness I should be facing up to. f*ck that noise. Hoover the bad weather your way indefinitely, vigorously, with panache… indefinitely. Sluuuuurp.

Not. Joking. One. Bit.
When I was a kid, I used to have notebooks with UNICORNS (or a Pegasus, or an amalgamation of both) on the cover, with lavender skies & crescent moons… that look exactly like the sky looks like, now. The first few moments before dawn. As the crescent sliver moon sets. Ethereal. Photoshopped. Still happening, in this moment.

I know. Unicorns. Yep. That happened.
Snow snow snow and more snow......Started yesterday should end tomorrow, about a foot plus, then -15F to -17F for the next few days.

I’m told it’s been raining, nonstop, for the past few days. I only became aware of it this evening. Which is odd, since I’m outside about 92% of the time. Zoning out? Happens.

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