I was thinking this morning
@the10thleper319 , I suppose a better thought is to focus on the parts that have brought healing, amazing as that is. But more in the current context vs the past? Not sure if that makes sense but I was saying to my sister the other day, I think it's an evil thing that the end of a loved one's life can assume or overwhelm more salient memory than a whole life time- it's like you can have a whole life of memories and that's what comes to mind? (If they could speak they'd maybe say, 'After a whole lifetime of memories- thanks a lot!'
So it's something ~different: the past is interwoven in the present, as it's not past. Nor is it reflective of past or current bad things or predictive of hopelessness. Those past times were very hopeless until they were no longer. Not that they were solved but overcome?
I was also thinking, I've had every type of Christmas: broke and presents 1/2 way to the ceiling; horrific ones; amazing ones; miraculous ones, ones where loved ones got an unexpected terminal diagnosis right before; ones just post natural disasters; ones where loved ones were in essence deployed; I have been totally alone and happy to be, alone and forgotten, and surrounded by many sometimes by choice and sometimes not, etc etc. Depending on the Christmas and the circumstances I have felt (or was faced with) joy, inclusion, love, hatred and rage, fear, shock, betrayal, devastation, awe, gratitude, sorrow, grief, despair, heartbroken-ness, relief and amazement. Even at least once hope. But as a consequence I guess I now can be happy with or without much. That is, I can genuinely enjoy wieners and beans or a TV dinner or Kraft dinner as I can an elaborate Christmas meal. More importantly there is peace or even joy. But it's not just a Christmas thing, it's also a daily thing. Sort of a daily obligation of sorts to choose life vs death, or hope vs despair, or gratitude and mindfulness or perhaps faith (i.e. trust with hope and comfort) vs fear and giving up.
Happy New Year to you also! Would you believe it's my birthday lol.
I say the 5th Day of Christmas =5 golden rings.. through my nose.
Hugs to you xox.