Alas, no. *Any* counselling is beyond my financial ability, and although we have a putative "public" health system in this country, its ineptitude is matched only by its corruption.
My abusers took full advantage of this. I successfully fought for justice after nearly two decades of wrong prescriptions and abusive treatment, only to be rewarded a laughably minuscule amount of compensation.
This has been a solo journey, and the solitude is starting to sting.
In the past I would dutifully swallow the neverending pills and marinate in private suicidal thoughts as I trudged semi-successfully through life, devoid of any hope or meaning and secretly wishing for cancer or a runaway bus while suffering a litany of side effects.
Having my own children flipped the tables.
Thoughts of dying make no internal sense anymore and I am physically much healthier, but now it's 24/7 flashbacks and seething roiling anger, which is not any better.