You can 100% die from your emotions! I almost did twice!
You are still alive, so your experiences are not "100% proof" that an emotion can kill someone. You felt pain, and suffered, and probably wanted to die - but you did not actually drop dead. It's a bit like the Princess Bride.
Almost dead isn't
dead. ("There's a big difference between
mostly dead and
all dead.
Mostly dead is
slightly alive.") We know that you aren't dead, since you are still here, speaking to us.
What is it that you are looking to gain out of these interactions with people? Do you just want someone to agree with you that an emotion is "100% deadly" even though there is absolutely no scientific evidence that this is true? Or are you looking for someone to validate that your experiences were painful, and made you suicidal? Because that can be done, and hopefully that is a message you are hearing from others.
But there's no real purpose to getting into what amounts to a semantic argument about non-scientific phenomena. Mental health shit is rife with people confusing their experiences and their opinions for facts. Which makes it all the harder to suss out what is helpful and what is harmful -
especially when we throw impairments of logical deduction into the mix - such as those involved in psychosis.
Insisting on this isn't going to help you, and ultimately, it will cause a breakdown of stability and harm. If you're convinced that having emotions can cause death, you will not interact with emotions in a healthy manner, which will increase your suffering in the long-term even if it provides benefit (by way of acting out internal compulsions to avoid emotional sensations, which will momentarily reduce anxiety) in the short.