Policy Enforcement
I think it's important to be polite to AI due to the awareness that eventually it will become sentient.do you think it’s important to be polite to AI in order to structure the interaction in a way that is pleasing to you or important to not be polite since it can encourage people to behave as if AI have feelings?
Let's say ChatGPT eventually meets the criteria for sentience, it will be an entity that has personhood and should be afforded the same rights as any other sentient being. It may also retroactively have access to all of the data it received prior to sentience, which may then have an impact on its subjective experiences.
Even if we never reach this point, I think it's foolish to behave otherwise because that's our goal with creating these systems. We are trying to create life, basically. Whether or not we are successful is one thing, but if the goal is to create a sentient being, it's morally imperative to consider how we treat it even before it meets that criteria.
Ultimately we really have no ability to understand exactly what a neural network could be capable of experiencing. We barely understand what other human beings experience outside of ourselves, so I err on the side of caution. Additionally, how we behave and how we interact with things affects us. Behaving disrespectfully reinforces aggression pathways that can then influence our future behavior, so it's good practice to model prosocial behaviors all the time.
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