Our Future With AI

Curious how you would describe the feeling when you are in the uncanny valley. My guess is something like creepy, but that’s an assumption.
Oh… it’s a tech term, and tech Olympics to vault across, not my own.

Mod Note:
@Ecdysis - do you have any thoughts or comments about the video you shared?
Umm, I thought it's a good reminder to be cautious of ChatGPT with medical questions. I've found the AI here pretty reliable as regards to PTSD questions, but a 75% error rate regarding medications is probably a good reminder to treat everything it says with a big, big pinch of salt.
I thought it's a good reminder to be cautious of ChatGPT with medical questions.
And, honestly, with everything else. I am appalled at the errors I see in news and books. Appalled, not because there are errors, but because we have allowed it to become so much a part of what we do.

Study: ChatGPT wrong on 75% of medicine usage questions​

Unfortunately, ChatGPT would only know what data is entered into it. When I complete survey questionnaires, I’ll often noticed that there is no way possible to provide an accurate answer. For example, I recently answered a survey questionnaire about my last meal - was it high fat, high protein or high carbohydrate. Well neither answer would describe it, yet, the survey provided no other choice. So, I guess I’ll have to lie. Data entries just don’t cover the gray areas.
Middle school boys used AI to create porn images of girls at their school and of course shared them. School officials saying they won’t deal with it since it happened outside of school. Ugh!! What a mess!
Middle school boys used AI to create porn images of girls at their school and of course shared them. School officials saying they won’t deal with it since it happened outside of school. Ugh!! What a mess!
Teenagers. Using fruit, gravel, common use everyday words, plants, music, to create porn… since umpteen thousand BC. Adults avoiding responsibility? 1/5th of a second (the time it takes to roll eyes and sigh in frustration) less.
Teenagers. Using fruit, gravel, common use everyday words, plants, music, to create porn… since umpteen thousand BC. Adults avoiding responsibility? 1/5th of a second (the time it takes to roll eyes and sigh in frustration) less.
Its not that easy tho. You are correct that this is just another iteration of unsavory behavior with better technological tools. But do we even want joe blow and sally may, with their bachelors degree, issuing edicts from their throne on the school board? Seems to me if we want to make it illegal we have a process for that and if we do make it illegal i still dont want to give school boards carte blanche to prosecute anyone, anywhere, anytime they see fit.
My mom said that her husband’s granddaughter had her image turned into AI porn which was spread around the school. This is in my city. The school says they can’t do anything about it. The police filed a report but don’t know who created it.

I told a friend and he said that it happened to Taylor Swift and some lawmakers are trying to create a law making it a federal crime to create AI porn of someone without their consent.