This is all down to the latest gift from my PTSD.
Last night I finally got 5 hours sleep. Only waking at 3am isn't exactly perfect.
I keep a tally of my hours slept and it reads pretty poorly. "3 hours last night, woke twice, finally gave up".
That's a common entry. I now nap during the day. That gifts me 2 maybe 3 hours so as a total that's 5-6 hours over 24 hours which sounds ok, but it isn't.
Doctor. Take these pills. I didn't so much sleep as blacked out (which I had warned him I would do).
Waking in a trance to an alarm clock, it took all day to surface. I kept this up for a month and each day was the same.
Different doctor this time, different pills, same effect.
Don't know about you but walking around like a zombie isn't nice for me.
REferral to sleep clinic. Waiting list, TWO YEARS! Yeah right.
Now I've tried music, white noise, blackout curtains, lovely scented candles, meditation, temperature control, different matresses, relaxed bathing before sleeping, staged wind downs from the day, but nothing works. Mainly because of my "not so nice" nightmares and the state I'm in when waking.
Years ago wind down from ops was to go out and get blitzed. Next day, hangover but 14 hours out of it was ever so nice.
Except I don't drink now. One of the benefits of growing older is you get to understand why you should take more care of your liver.
I know that older people don't need so much sleep but I'm sat here, yawning, thinking nap time.
Only that's not going to happen as the wife will get up soon, or the dog, and one of them will wake me.
Asking for help from the forum. Has anyone got some sleep inducing ideas for me to try?
p.s. Wife finds me on the couch dozing off, and asks if I'm OK. Argh!
Last night I finally got 5 hours sleep. Only waking at 3am isn't exactly perfect.
I keep a tally of my hours slept and it reads pretty poorly. "3 hours last night, woke twice, finally gave up".
That's a common entry. I now nap during the day. That gifts me 2 maybe 3 hours so as a total that's 5-6 hours over 24 hours which sounds ok, but it isn't.
Doctor. Take these pills. I didn't so much sleep as blacked out (which I had warned him I would do).
Waking in a trance to an alarm clock, it took all day to surface. I kept this up for a month and each day was the same.
Different doctor this time, different pills, same effect.
Don't know about you but walking around like a zombie isn't nice for me.
REferral to sleep clinic. Waiting list, TWO YEARS! Yeah right.
Now I've tried music, white noise, blackout curtains, lovely scented candles, meditation, temperature control, different matresses, relaxed bathing before sleeping, staged wind downs from the day, but nothing works. Mainly because of my "not so nice" nightmares and the state I'm in when waking.
Years ago wind down from ops was to go out and get blitzed. Next day, hangover but 14 hours out of it was ever so nice.
Except I don't drink now. One of the benefits of growing older is you get to understand why you should take more care of your liver.
I know that older people don't need so much sleep but I'm sat here, yawning, thinking nap time.
Only that's not going to happen as the wife will get up soon, or the dog, and one of them will wake me.
Asking for help from the forum. Has anyone got some sleep inducing ideas for me to try?
p.s. Wife finds me on the couch dozing off, and asks if I'm OK. Argh!