Seeking Advice on PTSD and Emotional Dysregulation in Marriage

Hi, I am new here and new to my PTSD and Emotional Dysregulation. My wife and I separated a week and a half ago with no idea what our future will be, together or separate. She is into controlling everything and I am open to this considering she has tolerated my moods and anger for so long. Fortunately my events never went beyond heated discussions or running away from the situation. We have been married almost 28 years and raised 2 kids together. I had never heard of emotional dysregulation before a week ago. When I read about it it was like a biography of my emotional life. I talked to a new therapist yesterday and she confirmed that is what is going on with me. I also have a degenerative neurological condition to which I had attributed all the emotional suffering to for all these years. Thus, learning that it is PTSD and emotional dysregulaton actually gives me hope as I now know I can improve if I do the foot work. Now I am not so sure I want to continue the marriage. I still love her as always but I have to do what I can to heal as much as possible. Obviously no decisions need to be made today. Once I understood how much pain I have caused I immediately apologized to my wife and kids for how I have been. So I am seeking advice, I know many here have faced the same type of situation and I am looking for the benefit of your experience. I am looking for tips on how to navigate all this as well as warning about pitfalls.

Thank You

It's a real eye opener, reflecting on ourselves with new found information. And it is great you've been able to apologise to your family.

You're asking a big question!
There are lots of people on here who have dual diagnosis and how to navigate those.
Lots of people here who have navigated relationships/parenting.
All while trying to heal and learn about emotions, impact of trauma etc etc etc.

My top tips are:
Take it slow.
Journaling on here really helped me. A space to work things out.
Soaking up advice from others on here, even if it was advice that seemingly hurt initially or I had an adverse reaction to (people do tell it how it is here!), but reflecting on that and seeing if I can see it how they do (or not).
Having a good therapist.
And a shed load of self compassion. This healing journey has ups and downs, and the downs can be brutal.
Thank you. I understand absorbing truth is hard. Now that I know why I have been this way, there is no going back, I have to move forward and do the footwork. I am learning to take lots of deep breaths when the pain arises. No matter what, this is going to take time. I am avoiding any unnecessary major decisions.
hello lostin. welcome to the forum. sorry for what brings you here, but glad you are here
learning that it is PTSD and emotional dysregulaton actually gives me hope as I now know I can improve if I do the foot work.
most of the names psychiatry has given me for ^it^ have changed since my first therapy appointment in 1972, but having a name for ^it^ helps me tremendously, also. if nothing else, having a name for ^it^ makes ^it^ easier to talk about.
Now I am not so sure I want to continue the marriage. I still love her as always but I have to do what I can to heal as much as possible.
my 44th anniversary is next week. methinks the only reason i am still married is both my hubs and i dislike lawyers tremendously. we have lived separately for several periods of years and currently count those separated years as the most important years of our marriage. those are the years we learned how to live, love and let it be. we also learned that family is bigger than a shared address. individually keeping the focus on healing as individuals as much as possible has served us far better than candlelight dinners and feigned pleasure.
Obviously no decisions need to be made today.
i swear by the wisdom of this awareness. when the time is right, what is right doesn't even feel like a decision.
Thank you. I just went back and read the cup explanation again. I can see how that explains a lot of my life. 25 years ago my wife was offered an opportunity to work in DC for a few years. She asked me if I minded her career being put in front of mine. I agreed to to that without a second thought. I was practicing law at the time and living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I was racing sailboats and riding mountain bikes. I also participated in a weekly group mediation and went to retreats regularly. My friends were all derived from these activities.

I don’t think I was prepared for leaving my entire social and support systems. I was totally isolated in the DC area. I made no friends. We have moved now ten times for my wife’s work. Each time is the same. A couple times I have made friends but with the next move those friends tended to fade away.

On the other hand my wife has become tremendously successful. She has a big life out there and I have become a burden between my frustration and my progressive neurological disorder. I can’t blame her for burning out and wondering if she really wants to continue the marriage. I have felt that she has had one foot part way out the door for the past few years and that has been extremely painful for me as I had no idea why I was the way I was.

Looking back I can see that I wasn’t prepared for that first move to DC. Mindlessly I had dropped all that actually made me functional. My frustration emerged during the time in DC and continued to the present. As time went on I needed alone time camping, etc. I just had to get away and settle down inside.

My wife and I were unable to talk about this. My neuro condition is a rare one and it presents itself like MS. I am still mobile but I have experienced some mild cognitive impairment in my executive functions. I have neuropsych evaluations every 2 or 3 years. Early on they ruled out PTSD but no one ever asked about my childhood. In the past couple months I have been diagnosed as having PTSD and then my wife decided we needed to live apart at least for a few months, maybe permanently.

Last night my wife and I were able to have a calm phone call. She wants these calls limited to 1 hour once a week. I have never been able to calmly talk about what was going on inside me. Every time I do it just makes things worse. My statements are considered accusations which was never my intent. I get so nervous I just start spitting out the words. Then the situation is much worse. It feels like I imagine Tourettes is like, no control what so ever. And then I have to look at the pain I have caused. Thus I force myself not to speak when triggered.

Last night our conversation went well. I didn’t make a mess of it. She listened and heard a lot. I did too. She did ask if next week’s call could be on Zoom which I think is a big step to maybe reuniting. However she also asked if we did make this permanent if we could be friends. I said yes but this morning, after a lot of thought, emailed her back that that might be too much for me as I have such longing to continue the marriage.

I have no idea what the future holds for me or us. I think finally knowing what the problem is is a big step. Being able to talk about it calmly is huge. I know I have years of work ahead of me and that it will always be there, ready to dominate my life if I don’t take care of myself. I really do think I have hit bottom with this so I am on the long road up out of this hole. That is huge too.
Last night my wife and I were able to have a calm phone call. She wants these calls limited to 1 hour once a week. I have never been able to calmly talk about what was going on inside me. Every time I do it just makes things worse. My statements are considered accusations which was never my intent. I get so nervous I just start spitting out the words. Then the situation is much worse. It feels like I imagine Tourettes is like, no control what so ever.
It is important to understand that what you say sometimes - isn't what you thought you said. Same as on here sometimes what you type isn't what you thought you typed.

It's part of the problem with cognitive impairment. So I use "you said, I heard" with my wife. My wife has learned to ask the question now - is that what you meant? Without prompting. Because she now understands that sometimes things don't come out the way I meant them to.
Thank you. I have a zoom call with my wife in 10 minutes and I have been stressing all morning. I tried meditating and I just couldn’t focus. I hate being like this.
Thank you. I just went back and read the cup explanation again. I can see how that explains a lot of my life. 25 years ago my wife was offered an opportunity to work in DC for a few years. She asked me if I minded her career being put in front of mine. I agreed to to that without a second thought. I was practicing law at the time and living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I was racing sailboats and riding mountain bikes. I also participated in a weekly group mediation and went to retreats regularly. My friends were all derived from these activities.

I don’t think I was prepared for leaving my entire social and support systems. I was totally isolated in the DC area. I made no friends. We have moved now ten times for my wife’s work. Each time is the same. A couple times I have made friends but with the next move those friends tended to fade away.

On the other hand my wife has become tremendously successful. She has a big life out there and I have become a burden between my frustration and my progressive neurological disorder. I can’t blame her for burning out and wondering if she really wants to continue the marriage. I have felt that she has had one foot part way out the door for the past few years and that has been extremely painful for me as I had no idea why I was the way I was.

Looking back I can see that I wasn’t prepared for that first move to DC. Mindlessly I had dropped all that actually made me functional. My frustration emerged during the time in DC and continued to the present. As time went on I needed alone time camping, etc. I just had to get away and settle down inside.

My wife and I were unable to talk about this. My neuro condition is a rare one and it presents itself like MS. I am still mobile but I have experienced some mild cognitive impairment in my executive functions. I have neuropsych evaluations every 2 or 3 years. Early on they ruled out PTSD but no one ever asked about my childhood. In the past couple months I have been diagnosed as having PTSD and then my wife decided we needed to live apart at least for a few months, maybe permanently.

Last night my wife and I were able to have a calm phone call. She wants these calls limited to 1 hour once a week. I have never been able to calmly talk about what was going on inside me. Every time I do it just makes things worse. My statements are considered accusations which was never my intent. I get so nervous I just start spitting out the words. Then the situation is much worse. It feels like I imagine Tourettes is like, no control what so ever. And then I have to look at the pain I have caused. Thus I force myself not to speak when triggered.

Last night our conversation went well. I didn’t make a mess of it. She listened and heard a lot. I did too. She did ask if next week’s call could be on Zoom which I think is a big step to maybe reuniting. However she also asked if we did make this permanent if we could be friends. I said yes but this morning, after a lot of thought, emailed her back that that might be too much for me as I have such longing to continue the marriage.

I have no idea what the future holds for me or us. I think finally knowing what the problem is is a big step. Being able to talk about it calmly is huge. I know I have years of work ahead of me and that it will always be there, ready to dominate my life if I don’t take care of myself. I really do think I have hit bottom with this so I am on the long road up out of this hole. That is huge too.
Thanks for sharing, please keep visited here. By sharing your emotions with someone you feel good.

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