Exposure therapy is dangerous if you are not in a stable enough place, it can re traumatise... If T is saying no I'd be very cautious. I unfortunately fell face first trying to do my own version of exposure therapy and I became a complete mess, but I really understand that pull to just almost 'get on with it' ASAP.
Obviously not leaving the house ever isn't the most practical or healthy of options...
Will T work heavily on grounding with you to support feelings safe and present in prep for triggers? Using sensory stuff helps me, earphones, holding something in my hand, chewing gum. Anything to keep me here and now not there and then. I actively avoid going somewhere that is virtually guaranteed to trigger, but my main issue is a colour so I know logically it'll come up in whatever environment I'm in! Even at home it can easily pop up on TV or a magazine or whatever.
Do you have anyone to be able to go out with you and offer support/ grounding/ redirection practically?