Sufferer The struggle's real, y'all!

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Curious, how much of a requirement is the Buproprian? Does that make a big difference when taken? I guess it probably depends on the person, like with most medication.

Sometimes I pop one of my mom's 120mg buproprion when I'm feeling like it, but honestly, the dextromethorphan does most of the heavy lifting on its own. Buproprion is more-or-less just a potentiator ("makes the drug work better"), but with these drugs in this form, you don't have to worry too much about potentiation as there's no other active ingredients other than what constitutes the tablets.
Thank you very much for the suggestion, but unfortunately,my insurance doesn’t even cover it (not even at the highest tier).

Nice to meet you, too, @CashLane58! Yeah, our stories definitely sound similar; there are quite a few parallels. We should absolutely talk more and get to know each other better. It’d be nice to have someone who understands, at least fundamentally.
Hey dude sorry it’s taken so long to respond. I don’t know about you but I don’t have many friends. It seems that since I started therapy a year ago and embraced my affliction “friends” have kinda drifted. AND I had to get away from some that tried to”counsel” me and tell me I didn’t have ptsd and even re-diagnose me with what they thought I had! How arrogant!! And dangerous!! To think they know better than trained professionals! Anyway thanks for the reply and it’s great to have a friend that understands.
I’m in central Mississippi. I’ve been a construction worker my whole career. I’ve got two wonderful grandsons and a daughter in Monterey California area. I’ve been divorced since’20. (That’s a story I’ll have to tell you) I’m part time caretaker of my elderly parents and an Atlanta Braves fan. So tell me a little about yourself when you can. Ttyl Joe Graves
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