Well honestly I had zero idea not really knowing what either of these things is. So I hooled it, and I've only ever used lpg personally, for camping, so I'll go with that.
Watch an old black and white Hollywood movie or watch an old western?
Black and white every time. Coincidentally I was sitting in a couple of dive bars last night and it felt like in was in such a movie. Only had a couple of drinks, nice to be in control. I went out not because I needed a drink, but because I was feeling isolated as I am alone for Christmas. My choice and actually no bad thing at all. If you're surrounded by mental illness, and have largely recovered from your own, solitude comes as a relief.
At the first bar the boss looked scary, tattoo of a cross under one eye, tattoo of the number '22' on the other. He was moving around on the verge of skipping like a boxer in the ring, like he was on something. He seemed to be intimidating his barmaids, like he owned them, and kept checking if I was looking at them. Could have been pretty scary until I smiled at him and said his wine is good and so I'll be back. He kind of melted, his voice softened and he shook my hand and we introduced ourselves.
At the second bar, just one barmaid and we got talking a bit, and understandably she didn't want to engage too much. Coincidentally she was from the small city I once visited for my job in connection with a violent crime case (I'm not a cop) so we made that connection.
The barmaid's sister came in to see her, and I had to stop myself from offering her a drink, which would have looked like a pick-up, which I had no intention of doing. We exchanged a few words, she was kind, she extended her hand to shake it and smiled as she said goodbye. She went home and so did I.
On the way home I picked up a few groceries and wished the cashier a Merry Christmas. These little momentary micro-friendships with strangers are good for us. I am not sad, just solitary. For now, it's a welcome peace.
Loneliness and calm, or togetherness and stress?