Sorry, ^^ i didn't make sense. That IS what I meant.
I think it's like a piece of broken glass in your shoe- hard to forget. Talking about it involves trust, acceptance, and truth. With some degree of assurance it won't be used against you, and some requirement the person has a need to know. If nothing else to not blame themself. And taking ownership of your own 'stuff'. And most of all- trust, of the person and all those things.
I've rarely found guilt to be a motivator. Guilt, or being triggered, or mistrust, or fear, or shame, lead to avoidance for me. Same behaviour, different geneses.
^^ Agree. Avoidant attachment is another, and may or may not show up necessarily in friendship.
^^ Agree with this also.
And this. ^^
^^ Also agree.
^^ Also agree, as per the comfort level in your relationship.
I think (for anyone), what we think they 'ought' to do, may or may not be what they should choose. He has to find what works for him.
@Freida's thread '"What are they Thinking?" might provide better insight. PTSD is not something that can be romanticized. Which is also part of why it's not talked about, IMHO.