Had an awful nightmare but where I stood up to someone for someone else. But the person I stood up to, though seemingly familiar during my nightmare, was a composite. And I suppose in a way it was standing up for myself too, which I don't usually do (kindly in my nightmare). But then the guy morphed like a fibre optic lightbulb. It was weird and gross. Probably because I stood up to a bullying coworker yestehrday (kindly, I think). Also ate a boxed Angus burger x2, maybe garlic in it? But about a month ago I had a nightmare where my friend stood up for me, got between me and the bully, or rather me behind him. I hate the nightmares have returned. Mind you this one was stupid, I also was going to cut the grass last night in it (it's snowing). I guess they say forget content, how did you feel? And mostly I wish I could do more for my friend, and angry at bullies.
Also tying to sleep more/ better is difficult. And I think I'm used to compatmentalizing the difficult or painful a lot my whole life.
But I also see it as a distraction, garlic-infused or not. I am not so useful for helping others if I am distracted by self-cenetered thoughts, which is part of why I resent bbullying in my own life. It not only disturbs my peace and gives me a headache and indigestion, but by it's nature distracts me from anything more useful. I am going to refocus to what and who is more important, the rest can get blinders.
Sorry I'm sure this is stupid and there must have been a short way to say that but it escapes me atm.