Can you stop anxiety attack?

In my own experience you can only 'guide' your body, but not stop it right now. Your mind and body with come out out anxiety attack eventually (Like a bad flu).

These tips have helped me to get out of a mental hole I digged myself

1. If possible, take a break from a stressful situation (even 15 min helps). Somebody said to me that anxiety attack is like a self hypnosis.During a bad anxiety attack I tend to feel like all bad is happening now & it will never get better

2. Limit caffeine intake (this is a biggie for me)

3. Try to break stressfully situation into something you can actually do something about and break these things into separate tasks that you can do one after one (this helps with the underlying feeling of panic and feeling of being trapped)

4. Build healthy habits
- 6-9 hours of sleep
- regular meals
- at least 0.5 hour of walking or being outside (get a little break of of one's mind and it's horror stories)
- meet friends & family
- every day doing something that gives you pleasure: reading, crafts, art, music, yoga etc

5. Remember we are all just humans doing our best. We actually control just a fraction of things affecting our lives.

6. Living one day a time helps too as it helps to focus things that are actually present, not those which we are afraid or which we are hoping to be there.

Hang on there! This too shall pass as the old saying goes.
I'll try all that. I would express my extreme disdain at the state of things but that helps nothing.
I'll lose my mind if I overthink the way I was going and some part of me knows it.

I need to stay healthy and positive and do what I'm able to.
Today was lost to anxiety and I will not allow another day like that.

Whatever comes I need to face it and feel OK doing so.
...and straight after deciding to be positive I had short but nasty flashback.
I'm guessing my mind has been going against me for a while now to "protect me".
I need to accept this and keep going and remind myself I'm safe now.
Whatever comes I need to face it and feel OK doing so.
I'm not sure if anybody mentioned this @SeekingAfrica but if you're anything like me you won't feel ok about doing so. Do it anyway. If there is going to be reinforcement of a better feeling it's going to come from doing it or completing it rather than avoiding it. Remember it's most difficult to start. Think of how good you will feel when it's completed. Pick one task and stick to it. Don't argue with your brain. It's likely it's making it seem more daunting than it is.

Good luck.

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