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I’m all adrenaline shakes.

Talking to someone who was probably working their first day at 911 was like trying to order a large black coffee at McDonalds. Small? With cream & sugar? Large. Black. Coffee. >.<

The event itself? A big enough deal to dial 911… EDP wandering around a 4 lane high speed highway; Traffic not gridlocked around him, but just waiting until he lurched into the next lane, where those cars would screech to a halt? Then speed past as soon as he lurched out of their lane. Is gonna be a car vs pedestrian, unless the god of luck who looks out for drunks, fools, and children steps in….. But? Not a big enough deal to get worked up over. The CALL, however?
911 What’s your emergency?

Me : Cross streets & Business Reference. There’s an EDP wandering back and forth across 4 lanes of traffic. Male. Mid toned skin. Tall. Wearing a giant backpack & baseball cap.

Operator repeats back cross streets. Yes.
Operator asks what city, and uses different cross streets. No. Correct X Streets.
Operator repeats back correct & incorrect cross streets & correct & incorrect city several times, clearly clicking through several incorrect pages. For several minutes.

Operator : What is the emergency?

Me : EDP wandering back and forth 4 lanes of traffic. Male. Mid toned skin. Tall. Wearing a giant backpack & baseball cap.

Operator: Can you tell if they’re male or female?

Me: Male. Midtone. Tall. Wearing a giant backpack & baseball cap.

Operator : And what are they doing?

Me : Wandering around in the middle of the street.

Operator : Do they appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

Me: Drugs, alcohol, head injury, mental illness, I couldn’t say which. That’s why I said EDP.

Operator : Can you see a head injury?

Me: They were on the highway we were driving on, we’re long gone, now.

Operator : What makes you suspect head injury?

Me : It’s impossible to distinguish between drugs & alcohol, head injury, mental illness, & extreme emotional distress. That’s why I said EDP.

(voice in background : EDP covers all of those variants. You don’t have to keep asking. They’re not right in the head. Responders will make the determination on scene. It’s just a good heads up for them. Most people say drunk, high, or crazy. Click the EDP button, even if they do.) <<< ME = FIRST BLUSH OF HOPE A SUP ALREADY ALERTED POLICE

Operator: Can you tell what race the individual is?

Me: Midtoned skin is 7 possible ethnicities.

Operator : So you can’t tell what race?

Me: Tanned white guy, light skinned black guy, Latin, Middle Eastern, Asian, Pacific Islanders, First Peoples. Brown skin is almost everyone. Including male white & male black.

(Voice in background. Click medium skin. It’s right there. Before you get to the list she just gave you. If someone says ANY of those races, click that button, too. Witnesses are often wrong about the race, unless they give gang affiliation.)

Operator : Can you see what they’re wearing?

Me : Large backpack & baseball cap.

Operator : They’re not wearing anything else?

Me : If there was a naked guy wandering in traffic, I’d have said so, first thing. You’d also probably be fielding more calls.

Operator : But can you describe the clothes you do see?

Me : As I already said, we were driving on that highway. We’re loooooong gone. EDP wandering across 4 lanes of traffic at X streets and business reference. Male. Mid tone. Wearing a large backpack & baseball cap. That’s ALL I’ve got for you.

Operator : What colors are the backpack & baseball cap?

Me: No idea.

Operator: Do they appear to be a danger to themselves or anyone else?

Me : As they’re wandering around in tbe middle of the street? Yes.

Operator : In what way do they appear to be a danger to themselves or anyone else?

(Snickering heard in background)

Me : Car vs Pedestrian

Operator : Have they been hit by a car?

Me: 15 minutes ago they hadn’t been. I have no idea, presently.

Operator : So they do not appear to be injured, or a danger to themselves or anyone else?

(Voices giving direction and clicking heard in background).

Operator : Miss?

Me : You’ve got a crazy guy wandering around 4 lanes of high speed traffic. Yes. They are a danger to themselves and anyone else around them. The person who hits them. The other vehicles who may be swerved into as someone tries not to hit them. Strong potential for multiple fatality MVA.

BRICK WALL BANG HEAD. The supervisor is there. The supervisor is there. Police have probably already been notified. Breathe.

Operator : What makes you suspect they may be crazy?


Me : EDP. Mental illness, alcohol or drugs, head injury, extreme emotional distress.

Operator : Bur what makes you suspect they may-

Me: They are not crossing the street in a skillful manner, but wandering and lurching and weaving around back and forth across 4 lanes of heavy, high speed, traffic. People in their right minds? Do. Not. Do. That. Compromised individuals do.

Operator : We’re they weaving through traffic in a vehicle?

Me: No. pedestrian. They are on foot, in the middle of the highway.

Operator : Okay! So we have a male, medium skinned, emotionally disturbed person, tall, wearing a baseball cap and backpack, interrupting traffic at x streets city? They appear to be both a danger to themselves and others? Is this correct?

Me: Yes. ((And exactly what I said 23 minutes ago.))

Operator: Do you feel comfortable approaching them?

Me: Blink. Blink. Blink.

Operator: Miss? Do you feel comfortable approaching them?


Me : One: haven’t been on scene for almost half an hour now. Two: Are you seriously suggesting a civilian walk out into oncoming traffic to attempt to secure an EDP? Not even paramedics & emts are allowed to do that without police assistance.

Operator : If you felt you…(voices in background, Samaritan laws protect people who take it upon themselves to render aid, do not direct someone to risk their lives when they’re calling for assistance. You’re lucky she’s been this patient. Most people who give concise descriptions at the beginning are off duty cops. Wrap the call.)… Your name, miss?
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Man oh man. I’m so used to 911 calls being short, succinct, and on point… that I was seeeeeriously starting to lose my shit by the end of it. 😅

I’d like a large black coffee.

Small? With cream & sugar?

Large. Black. Coffee.

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