I need everyone to know about this drug. It's called Auvelity.

Hi! So I was just prescribed this. My doctor sent it to a pharmacy. My insurance doesn’t cover it. I got a message stating my co-pay and it was zero and said manufacturer discount. Maybe you and your dr can look into that. I was very surprised. There’s also on the AUVELITY website a savings information section.

Not sure if I am typing this in the right spot. Anyway, I read this post about DXM and it’s basically my exact experience. Used DXM (cough gels) to relieve suicidal thoughts and crushing depression. The DXM also increased my productivity at work (when I was working) and made my creativity flow much better. Anyway, I am now taking Auvelity which is a combo of DXM and Wellbutrin in an extended release tablet. It has completely transformed my life. I am leaving the house, feel engaged with my family, feel an interest in hobbies again, and on and on. I thought at age 50 my life was basically over. Auvelity has helped me “wake up” and become, I don’t know, like a human being again. It raised my blood pressure the first week or two I used it but now I’m fine. I have zero side effects. Well, maybe a little anxiety from the Wellbutrin. Auvelity is super expensive although it uses two ancient, almost no-cost compounds. But I would work full time and dedicate as much of my paycheck as possible to get this drug. Just work for the drug. Way better than living in a dark fog and thinking and dreaming about suicide. Total life changer. I tried like 15 or more SSRIs and other depression meds and they did nothing. Now I’m back and looking forward to 20+ years of life with my family.
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Will a Dr approve this?, my Dr told me this morning to research the Auvaility, so I’ve been reading up on it.
It is expensive, that’s why I’m wondering if this is something a Dr would approve & advise about the dosage.
If your doctor was the one who told you to research it, stands to reason they'd be willing to rx it.

My kid was on $2500-4K of asthma meds, for years. A great many medications are 5x that per month. Some as many as $1500 a pill taken 3 times DAILY. Auvelity's sticker price wouldn't make most doctors blink, much less hesitate to rx.

$1k for a 1-3mo supply is on the very looooow end of expensive out of pocket, and dirt cheap at $10 copay for insurance coverage.
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If your doctor was the one who told you to research it, stands to reason they'd be willing to rx it.

My kid was on $2500-4K of asthma meds, for years. A great many medications are 5x that per month. Some as many as $1500 a pill taken 3 times DAILY. Auvelity's sticker price wouldn't make most doctors blink, much less hesitate to rx.
I’m wondering if he would approve what I’m reading about on this page
If your doctor was the one who told you to research it, stands to reason they'd be willing to rx it.

My kid was on $2500-4K of asthma meds, for years. A great many medications are 5x that per month. Some as many as $1500 a pill taken 3 times DAILY. Auvelity's sticker price wouldn't make most doctors blink, much less hesitate to rx.

$1k for a 1-3mo supply is on the very looooow end of expensive out of pocket, and dirt cheap at $10 copay for insurance coverage.
I’m wondering if a Dr would approve what I’m reading about on this page. So I can avoid the cost of Auvelity.
I’m wondering if he would approve what I’m reading about on this page
Here? This page on This site? We're just people on the internet, peer to peer for PTSD... talking about things that work, or not, for us... not a reputable source for medication research. Friends kicking it at a cafe.

You'd need to go to the medication site, your insurance site, peer review journals, governing bodies (FDA, etc.) etc. for reputable sources & reliable info.
If there's one thing that I prayed to see happen during my lifetime, it's the legitimization of dextromethorphan (DXM) as a life-saving drug used to treat PTSD and depression. While it currently is only approved by the FDA for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), I have been self-treating with 120mg of DXM every day since August and I have seen a marked improvement of every one of my PTSD symptoms.

This drug going from being considered a "poor man's psychedelic" to "robotripping in the parking lot" (&& the negative reputation that people get for using it) to finally gaining recognition as a real treatment for mental health disorders has been some of the best news I've received in the last 10 years. This drug is going to help millions of people && I could not be more thrilled. I've known about DXM's efficacy since I was 16 years old. I used to use it in doses that would get me "high," but these days I don't even need to do that. My drinking is under control for the first time in decades, too, because I simply don't need to self-medicate anymore.

My relationship with my family has never been better. I go outside. I do chores. I have friends. I'm processing my trauma and attending therapy and seeing genuine results and learning to overcome my cognitive distortions and negative self-talk. I am relieved of the physiological symptoms of anxiety and panic and hypervigilance. This drug has been a miracle drug for me. I started at 300mg and have slowly gotten down to 260, and then 120. I genuinely believe this drug saved my life, and now it is FDA approved in a combination of DXM and Wellbutrin (buproprion, a DXM potentiator [it works synergistically with DXM & makes it so low doses are effective]).

While aware that I must sound like a pharmaceutical ad, this has been the key component of my medical treatment & has helped me with suicidal ideation and extreme trauma. If you are struggling with treatment-resistant depression or crushing PTSD symptoms, please check this drug out! It is legal and it has been proven in clinical trials to be very safe and tolerable. Not everyone is going to get the same positive effects that I did. Every person is different, so I'm not trying to sell you snake oil. But if you're struggling, this is worth looking into.

Full Efficacy and Safety Information.
NMDA Receptor Modulation for PTSD.
How Auvelity Can Help.
How Auvelity Works.
Do you have a link ?

Here? This page on This site? We're just people on the internet, peer to peer for PTSD... talking about things that work, or not, for us... not a reputable source for medication research.
h, I’m sorry, I read where someone ordered a version through mail order, my apologies
I read where someone ordered a version through mail order, my apologies
The medication you get from Robocough/DXM Direct is the same component that's in Auvelity, dextromethorphan. You would order the freebase version. Auvelity is two medications though, DXM and buproprion. So if you want to take Auvelity proper, you will need a prescription for Wellbutrin as well. As mentioned, a standard tab of Auvelity is 105mg of buproprion and 45mg of dextromethorphan. You can get the same benefit from 100mg buproprion and 30mg of DXM (or one freebase RC tab).
Well, if you are wanting to trial it, it is available though the link that Weemie put up in a low dose and not expensive at all. The DXM part of it is anyway. I am trialling it with my Pristiq as in Australia Wellbutrin isn't available. Basically, Auvelity is Wellbutrin and DXM. If your insurance will cover Wellbutrin you can access the DXM through Amazon or the website Weemie put up early in her post. I have found it is good for when motivation is lacking.
Can you give us an update on how you’re doing with DXM plus Pristiq?
Can you give us an update on how you’re doing with DXM plus Pristiq?
I stopped the DXM because I had some over the top stressors at the time and I did not want to cloud my perception of any benefits or negatives. Sorry I should have updated on here. I do intend to go back and trial it properly when things have settled with the "Dreaded Dragon Mother in Law Drama."
i finally decided to bite the bullet and try auvelity $$$$. my psychiatrist had sample bottles and gave me 60 pills for free, which should be enough to know whether i want to pursue finding discounts or petitioning insurance to pay for it. i’m a little nervous because i have two current diagnoses that could interact badly with it but at this point i’m willing to take the risk on that because i’m so desperate to get out of this fog…
i feel very strange on this drug combo! the first three days i felt a bit derealized like things were oversaturated and just a bit weird all around, also stimulated from the bp, and then i took the second pill at night tonight for the first time and i am feeling kind of high? vision has a kind of ghosting effect. very strange experience, almost like the beginning of shrooms. ears ringing also among other effects. i googled this and looks like some people have experienced it and then it went away but i am still surprised to feel high.

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