Silver Member
My hero today is my friend from work who is just a very nice person, always willing to help, a great friend, and just all around a good person. We used to work in the same department until recently. So whenever you move to a different position there is a huge learning curve so she’s been just extremely busy. Her husband has a job where he’s not home all the time like traveling and they don’t live close to family more than three hours away at least. And she’s a mother to a two-year-old too so I’m sure you can imagine how hectic her life is right now. I caught up with her today because I sent her a message wishing her a little boy a happy birthday, and she informed me that her father has cancer. He has a very rare very aggressive form of kidney cancer. And he’s in the late stages of it and she’s known for about a month. Her strength is just absolutely amazing and admirable. she is the type of person to call bull sh*t out and is very confident in herself, and I’ve always admired that about her. She is a great friend who has helped me and supported me, she knows about my struggles. I don’t know if I could quite keep it together like she has with all these things going on in her life, but she keeps powering through.