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Yes, I think you're right and that longer gaps haven't helped with that. I dropped from weekly to fortnightly at the start of the year, which wasn't really what I wanted to do, but it was what was needed, financially. And it's worked ok. I did fortnightly sessions for about a year a while back and upped them to weekly 'temporarily' after my mum died, but the temporary arrangement just stuck until I couldn't really afford it anymore.maybe the longer spacing between sessions is actually what’s making the sessions stall. I feel like if I had so long between sessions I would find it hard to do meaningful work.
Fortnightly works ok. And, occasionally, we get into something and a fortnight feels too long to wait to pick it up again, so we book in the for next week. Due to a few reasons (illness, holidays, changing work schedules) I think I've had three sessions which have been longer gaps (3 or 4 weeks between sessions) and that does feel too long. I think monthly sessions could be fine if I just wanted to have a bit of a maintenance check-in chat. But if you want to get stuck into difficult stuff and, as you say, really dig in and do meaningful work, I think that's quite hard. Especially if neither of you are super focused and wander off topic a lot (which is what my T and I are both like!) It's also difficult if you do dip into something deeper to then think you have to hold on to it for four weeks before you can revisit it with T – more often than not, the topic then loses its importance/power over that time and no longer feels very important or relevant anymore, so these strands kind of fizzle out.
Its also why I don't want to sound very critical of T – it's not that I'm giving her full responsibility for losing momentum and sessions stalling. It was my decision to reduce frequency and I think she thought that was a pity as we were getting into some important stuff. I thought it was a pity too...but needs must. It's the annoying thing about work being quiet at the moment....I currently have a lot of time where I could be doing work on myself and could really try to crack on with some stuff....but, unfortunately, I have time, because I have little work and having little work means I have little income....so, while I have the time to potentially commit to more therapy, I can't afford it!
Thanks. It would help, I think, if she were open to the odd message. Though I think I would feel like I had to reign myself in and resist the temptation...to not give in to my desire to message her. And I wouldn't want to be annoying.Either way, I hope things work out for you and your T at least allows you to keep in touch in the long term Ie via email once in a while etc. mine have and it’s been great to not suffer as much from the loss of the relationship.
The mere fact you may be afraid to discuss termination without termination
It's not that I'm afraid to discuss it so I won't discuss it. It certainly creates some anxiety, yes. But I was fully prepared to bring it up tomorrow. But now I won't see her for another two weeks. And I have talked to her about it before, at length, and we agreed a different way to move forward.
There is plenty of grief, believe me! I feel completely devastated. I miss her dreadfully. The loss is incredibly painful.Talking about your mother'passing... grieve has not started yet.
I just don't see how talking to anyone about it will help. What use is it to tell my T it's unbearably painful and that I can't even express how much I miss her? I know how I feel. I don't see what difference it makes to tell someone else.
My T tries to encourage me by talking about the power of 'being witnessed'. I don't want to be witnessed. By her or anyone else.
But why would we do this? Why would it ever come up that we would need to talk to friends about experiences so traumatic that they caused our PTSD?Learning how to tell your story to real friends, partner or anyone you feel connected without losing your mind
I may well be missing something....I just don't get that those conversations and topics would ever come up?
using your strength to discuss any topic without a fear of therapist.
I don't think I do fear my therapist?
We need community- group of people who understands us .
Yes, I guess that is what she is for me. And that is something I'll miss a great deal. As I mentioned earlier, just losing the person who knows and understands your stuff, even if you're not always explicitly talking about it or working on it.
A person probably doesn't have to be in an acute crisis to benefit from therapy.
Yes, completely agree with you.
it helps to have someone they can talk about "stuff" with and there's really no one else they can talk to. T
Definitely. T is 100% this person for me. And that's partly why the thought of ending therapy upsets me so much – I've never been great at talking about my feelings and I'm still not but have improved, I think....so it does feel like a bit of a step back to have worked on getting better at that to then make a change which means you go back to not having that person. (My partner and I talk about a lot of stuff, including some stuff that comes up with our therapists...but a partner isn't a therapist and I don't think it's desirable to try to be so)
My T isn't a real "clear goal" kind of person either. If I asked him to help me come up with "clear goals", I suspect he'd try but he wouldn't be as successful as a different type of person would be.
I think our Ts have a very similar style! Yes, she's not all about the goals. And neither am I. Even in my work, I always veer away from anything that feels too right and structured around goals or objective setting. So, it's not that I want a clear list of goals or a detailed, written out treatment plan or anything. Not at all.
But when it comes to trying to decide whether it's time to pause/finish therapy, I think it does make it harder to review progress and reflect on how far I've come/what else is there to do. And, I suppose, although I don't need that specific list or plan, I do want to feel that we're getting somewhere. Which really just means I need to feel that sessions are meaningful and useful in some way.
How do you decide what you want to improve when you've never experienced anything any different than where you've been and where you are?
Yes, that's a good question... I find it difficult to know what's possible...what I could realistically expect or aim for. Is it reasonable and possible to think I could work towards never being anxious or depressed again, for instance? I have got a lot better at handling medical appointments...does that mean job done because I have found ways to manage it, or does it mean, with more work, I could get to not feeling anxious and needing to manage it?! Could I ever get to the point where I don't feel so push/pull about my T?! Can I hope to have a sex life again?! I've no idea! I have said to her before that I don't know what's possible or realistic and that maybe I am currently just as good as I will ever get... Maybe that's worth another conversation.
To be honest, September/October is always a time when I have a mental health wobble. Even before therapy. I don't know why, I just always seem to feel a bit destabilised and tend to have low mood and anxiety spikes. Now, early September is also the anniversary of my close friend's death and the anniversary of my mum's. So, it has become an even more emotionally heavy, triggery time.(I have a hunch that your anxiety about all of this is a sign that now isn't the best time to quit.)
And also, I have a lot of anxiety about the therapeutic relationship a lot of the time! The push pull of it, the laying awake until 3am fantasising about firing her, the vulnerability and intimacy in sessions... For a while, I concluded that perhaps THAT was the work for me to do in therapy...and when I told my T that she looked delighted and excited! As though I'd just had a huge revelation that was going to change my life! But my T is the only person I really feel those extremes with. So then it just felt nuts to keep going back to the person who seemed to be stressing me out...and paying her for the privilege too!
I don't know...
If I was going to have this conversation with my T, I'd email him ahead of time to give him a heads up.
I did do that last year when all this came up. And I think that maybe helped for the conversation to be a useful one. I considered doing so this time but then thought I'd go with an open mind and try hard to make it a useful session....and then I might not need to talk about ending, if it goes well....so then I wouldn't have needed to give her the heads up! But, if I'm in such a stew about it all, perhaps I should discuss it when I see her next time no matter what...? The thing now though is that she has taken two weeks off to deal with a family matter....I've no idea if someone is ill or has died or is dying or if there's been a big argument or whatever....and, of course, it could be something good....she did refer to it as having to deal with 'a minor family matter'....so that suggests a small thing...but then, it is also taking her two weeks away... No point in me trying to mind read, but whatever it is is serious enough that she's cancelled all her work to go away for two weeks to deal with a family thing...so then I thought I'd look like an insensitive arsehole if I emailed at this point to say I was thinking of leaving therapy...?
I'd probably be worrying about the fact that "we've had this conversation before". At least partly because, since we've HAD the conversation that means I should have it figured out.
Yes....there is definitely this! I feel like, if I email, not only might it be insensitive if she's dealing with something personal and I chuck her a message to say I think I might be done (though I know, I know – she gets to decide if she looks at work emails or not while she's on leave)...but I also feel a bit cringe because I think she might sigh and roll her eyes in a 'here we go again...' type way. Especially because it was about a year ago that we last did this.
What things make you think now is a good time to quit?
If not now, when...? ;-)
But seriously....I don't know how you know or when is a good time...
It's been 7 years...
I don't have much money coming in (but hoping work will pick up in the new year) and she is expensive
I am frequently feeling flat and frustrated after sessions – that they weren't helpful or were just surface level chatty. So, I suppose I feel like I'm not really getting value from the sessions (which I guess matters more as the money is a stretch for me at the moment)
Maybe this is as good as I get
As long as they’re not dead I can still call them, from almost anywhere on the planet, and if we’re both local? I can set up a one off appt whenever the heck I want to, or even resume therapy.
I’m a hardcore isolator who has a tendency of just “walking away” from both their entire life, and aspects of their life. Chapter? Closed. Moving on.
Yeah...I guess I just think, if I call time with her, I should then make every effort to not contact her. Because, that's the point – I'm ending it. Like you, I am a walking away, chapter closed, moving on type person usually. I'm not friends with any of my exes. I don't still have friends from when I was at school or uni. There are few ex-colleagues I'm still in touch with. So, I guess for me, this decision does feel final. Because, if I'm ending a relationship, I'm ending a relationship, and the point is not to keep interacting with them again. Even if they're not dead or bad people ;-)
I also don't think it's fair or respectful for her, for me to leave therapy but then send her messages wanting to get messages back. Going back for a paid session is different....that's paying her for her time and her presence. Messages afterwards feel like I'm trying to get free time and attention from her. But going back for paid sessions mean that....well, the whole ending therapy thing didn't really work out! ETA: wanting to and actually keeping in touch after therapy would feel like a failure...and there is some shame there too, I think, around feeling a want to keep a connection going with her afterwards.
I could be sounding very black and white here, and perhaps that's something for me to think about...
I also don't think I generally 'do' endings. I am a bit of a ghoster....I jtend to just slip out of people's lives and let them slip out of mine! No arguments, no big discussions, no dramas...just, oh, there, see...we're not in each other's lives any more! With this, I would want it to be a conscious ending and one that I have communicated...after 7 years (or however many it ends up being) it would feel disrespectful and unprofessional for me to just ghost her. I don't think it would feel good for either of us. So, perhaps my discomfort with endings and the fact that I usually don't talk about them, I just disappear, is adding even more anxiety to this whole scenario. Probably.