In this moment where would you rather be?

Running up the side of a nice big rocky hill with an awesome trail descent. Stunning views, preferably over a few lakes. Perfect running temp, blue skies light breeze. Lots of snacks 😅
If you need to talk to someone there are some PROS in this community who give great insights.
This is a peer to peer community. >>> Community Constitution

Not only do we not have mental health professionals on staff, like many sites do? We are also not set up for crisis service, IRL, &/or live real time support. Peer to Peer.

Our newest members may well have tremendous experience with PTSD, or be exactly the voice that resonates with someone else, exactly when they need it; meanwhile someone who has been here a decade their words just glance off, or piss off, or miss the mark entirely. Shrug. We’re a diverse community, with myriad different personalities, life experience, trauma histories.

Rankings are based purely on number of posts. That simple. A fast an easy way to determine if someone is new here, to this site, or not.
New Here = new to MyPTSD
Learning = learning how to use MyPTSD
Confident = confident in using (posting on) MyPTSD
MyPTSD Pro = has a lot of experience using MyPTSD, based on their number of posts.
Sponsor = someone who donates to the site. Pretty commonly used term.

2025 Donation Goal

Help Keep MyPTSD Alive! Our annual donation goal is crucial to continue providing support. If you find value in our resource, please contribute to ensure we remain online and available for everyone who needs us.

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